Rescue Rangers?

Nov 13, 2011 14:19

WHO: Evveryone!
WHAT: Meet-up to plan a rescue mission. Also? Socialising. Because that's what we do.
WHERE: meal acquisition block Cafeteria, because we are civilised trolls people, coddamnit.
WHEN: At some point following the hostage video
WARNING(S): Threadjacking may occur.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. )

red medic, prussia, canada, eridan ampora, kanaya maryam, hayato gokudera

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charinjo7 November 14 2011, 12:30:39 UTC
'Prussia' eventually enters, looking somewhat gloomy; Medic might show up, but his search had been pretty unsuccessful otherwise. Perhaps Gilbert and Canada would be able to bring more people.

Looking around, he registers the two others in the room; the alien he spoke with on the com a little while ago, and.. Gokudera simply stares at Eridan for a few seconds. ''How many of you are there?!'' he finally exclaims loudly, looking at the trolls with poorly hidden surprise.


wwrathofangels November 15 2011, 23:14:25 UTC
"WWe're in space, right?" Eridan gives Gokudera a blank look as he lowers the rifle. "I think blowwin' a gapin' fuckin' hole in the hull wwould be a fuckin' stupid idea." The weapon is put back in his Sylladex for the time being.


charinjo7 November 15 2011, 23:53:49 UTC
''I know; someone tried that already.'' He and Kouki had not succeeded, but Prussia certainly had. ''But there are some rooms in the ship that we don't have access to; maybe we can manage to blast our way in with your rifle.. Long-distance weapons is surely best suited for taking out walls in case we happen to destroy one of the main ones; the risk of getting pulled outside will be considerable less if we keep our distance.''


wwrathofangels November 16 2011, 02:10:33 UTC
"Absolutely not! Ewen if wwe don't get pulled out, all the air wwill. Howw're wwe goin' to breathe?" He crosses his arms once more, tilting his head down. It's actually a far more threatening gesture than Gokudera might think, considering trolls have horns on their heads. "I'm not shootin' at any wwalls that might ewen possibly lead only to space. You can find some other idiot to do it."


tendtoenunciate November 16 2011, 03:32:58 UTC
Oh, be still, her ashen heart. Club. Whatever. It stirs. Her hand twitches, gets a third of the way through the motion toward's Eridan's head to tilt it back up, before she thinks much better of it. Now's no time for flirting.

"In my opinion shooting down walls would be rather drastic. Even disregarding the risk inherent given our location, there's still the question of how the soldiers will react. And the terrorists. And the traitors." She looks at Gokudera, seeming for a moment less like a ragripping battle lumberjacqueline and much more like a terrified kidnapped young girl. "In all honesty I still have very little comprehension of what these factions are doing." Demonstrated by her perception of a distinction between the traitors and terrorists. "If you could clarify I'd really appreciate it."


charinjo7 November 16 2011, 11:13:41 UTC
Gokudera isn't familiar with troll-threats so he just gives an annoyed sigh, pulls out a pen from his pocket and starts drawing on the table due to lack of easily accessible writing materials right now; he's not ready to fully abandon the wall-idea just yet ( ... )


tendtoenunciate November 16 2011, 13:05:45 UTC
She stares at the diagram for quite a few moments, folding her hands in imitation of what's been presented. Then it clicks for her. "Wait. You say you're trapped here. In that case, how did you get there? Were you brought by yet another party now out of the picture? Or was there some kind of rift, perhaps?"


wwrathofangels November 16 2011, 18:27:37 UTC
He leans over, studying the diagram and letting Gokudera's words wash over him. The idea of slamming a door shut makes him snort derisively. "Oh, right, 'cause wwe can definitely mowe faster than the blast from my rifle. That's goin' to wwork swwimmin'ly." He would continue, but.

Did Gokudera just imply he couldn't handle a task as simple as taking out a wall ( ... )


tendtoenunciate November 16 2011, 20:06:20 UTC
Oh, thank you, Eridan, alienate the humans just like you did every damn troll back home, why don't you. They've been here for two hours but this shouldn't really surprise her considering they were been in the veil for six.

She digs her fingers into his shoulder, half-shaking. "Eridan. This isn't the time. Our entire goal is to escape and if successful we would never even see any of these people again. If you can't even manage to control yourself for a few hours your desired black activity will quite possibly be acquired by means of lipstick so colored." In a sharp lower voice: "And he's ten.After a deep sigh she begins to speak more broadly. "But his points about the rifle are valid. If we don't know the layout, that means any given wall could lead to the vacuum of space, which even a room away will still be potentially lethal. Which if the footage I saw is accurate has a tendency to lead to death." ...wait, wasn't Gokudera in that footage?! ...not the time to question that. "I'll acknowledge the situation is dire enough that use of ( ... )


charinjo7 November 16 2011, 21:18:09 UTC
Right, there was one more enemy to worry about.. He's been so focused on all the other stuff happening lately that it didn't cross his mind to mention it. ''We've apparently been brought here by some kind of device. The ones controlling it however.. We don't really know for sure, but the terrorists said that the people running this facility died 50 years ago, and it seems like a powerful computer called Linda operates the ship as we speak..''

Gokudera stops explaining as soon as Eridan begins to shout, and prepares a fire-back on his own; he won't be refereed to as an idiot! Kanaya's interference somewhat dulls his upcoming tantrum however so he settles with a snarl accompanied by a nasty glare in Eridan's direction. Black activity? Lipstick? Yes, he's totally oblivious to the hate-flirting of course.

''I'm hearing plenty of complaining, but no suggestions as to the next course of action.. And I didn't intend to shoot at completely random walls!'' He totally was just a few seconds ago for lack of any better ideas, but they didn't ( ... )


wwrathofangels November 16 2011, 21:34:54 UTC


Grubfucking ow.

He whinges piteously when Kanaya's claws dig into his shoulder and shake him, fins drooping down from their formerly proud display. "Oh come on Kan, I'm not doin' anyfin wwrong! Don't chainsaww me I thought wwe wwere friends!" Once Kanaya lets go, he rubs his shoulder, trying to not look too pitiful. Dignified seadweller who is trying to hateflirt, not pityflirt. Besides, he's reasonably certain that if he tries switching to redrom right now, Kanaya will make good on that threat concerning black activity.

Though he'll never say it aloud, he almost wishes Sollux were here, because then maybe they'd have a hope of getting into the computer systems. "Hawen't seen one a you humans that looks like that. But if they use transportalizers, howw are wwe goin' to be able to track them? Right noww this is lookin' pretty glubbin' hopeless."


charinjo7 November 16 2011, 23:18:12 UTC
Wasn't Eridan supposed to be royalty? Kanaya is obviously the one in charge though.. Strange. Gokudera concludes that the two might be a couple.

He hates to admit it, but the male troll is right; the whole situation is pretty darn hopeless.. The urge to bang his head against the table is strong, but he manages to refrain, settling with lighting up a new cigarette instead.

''We can't just give up; there must be a way..'' Stubbornness ftw, but he's starting to run out of ideas. ''We could try to find one of the remaining terrorists and make them tell us where the living quarters are; they should know. Well, provided that Medic hasn't killed them all of course; he's murdered at least two of them already, but the other two might still be alive.''


tendtoenunciate November 16 2011, 23:46:30 UTC
"It'd really be wonderful if you would stop acting like such a wiggler," she manages to say harshly to Eridan before drawing back to check for dirt under her nails, thank you very much. (She puts a lot of effort into filing them regularly, okay?) Idly she scrapes out the small hints of black thread from contact with his shirt as she listens to Gokudera speak.

Right after he's done she chimes in: "It's plausible we could retrace Andrea's steps. I spoke with--" (and she does hesitate very briefly over the word because it still confuses her how the body she saw was most certainly dissonant from the notion she had gathered of human females) "--her, just a short while ago." She fishes out her communicator to bring up the conversation, keeping the audio on mute to avoid any digressions on the actual material discussed. "There must be some way the soldiers got to her, even though they transportalize. Either way she was there last." hasn't exactly sunken in for her yet how similar all the "corridors" and "bedrooms" of this place are. " ( ... )


charinjo7 November 17 2011, 00:25:51 UTC
''So she was in one of the 8 hallways.. we should check the 3rd floor first since that's where her room is located.'' The new information didn't really help much, but it was better than nothing. ''Me and that guy over there can fight, but I don't think the kid will be of much use in that regard. The man.. girl who was here earlier can fight too, but I'm not sure if she'll actually help out or not.''

He's trying to postpone explaining the body-switch stuff for as long as he can since he thinks that it'll just confuse the newcomers even more.


wwrathofangels November 17 2011, 03:04:22 UTC
Eridan only wishes Kanaya and he were a couple. However, the real defining dynamic of their relationship is simply that Kanaya is currently far more mature than he is. Mostly, it is simply because of the biological differences; higher bloods are more prone to violent mood swings, but also they tend to mature slower.

He grumbles under his breath about how he most certainly isn't acting like a wiggler, before paying attention to the conversation at hand. "You don't hawe any wway a accessin' the transportalizer controls from here?"


charinjo7 November 17 2011, 10:58:17 UTC
''Of course not; one of the main problems would already be solved if that was the case ...wait a minute.'' He looks thoughtful. ''The female terrorist was able to teleport me away with a device that somewhat resembles a wristwatch.. Che, I doubt we'll find anything worthwhile, but I'll check the dead terrorists on our over to Andrea's floor just in case they should happen to be in possession of a similar item.''

The talk with Medic earlier had completely made him forget about that.


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