Rescue Rangers?

Nov 13, 2011 14:19

WHO: Evveryone!
WHAT: Meet-up to plan a rescue mission. Also? Socialising. Because that's what we do.
WHERE: meal acquisition block Cafeteria, because we are civilised trolls people, coddamnit.
WHEN: At some point following the hostage video
WARNING(S): Threadjacking may occur.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. )

red medic, prussia, canada, eridan ampora, kanaya maryam, hayato gokudera

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tendtoenunciate November 16 2011, 23:46:30 UTC
"It'd really be wonderful if you would stop acting like such a wiggler," she manages to say harshly to Eridan before drawing back to check for dirt under her nails, thank you very much. (She puts a lot of effort into filing them regularly, okay?) Idly she scrapes out the small hints of black thread from contact with his shirt as she listens to Gokudera speak.

Right after he's done she chimes in: "It's plausible we could retrace Andrea's steps. I spoke with--" (and she does hesitate very briefly over the word because it still confuses her how the body she saw was most certainly dissonant from the notion she had gathered of human females) "--her, just a short while ago." She fishes out her communicator to bring up the conversation, keeping the audio on mute to avoid any digressions on the actual material discussed. "There must be some way the soldiers got to her, even though they transportalize. Either way she was there last." hasn't exactly sunken in for her yet how similar all the "corridors" and "bedrooms" of this place are. "I suggest we see if we can get to the soldiers from that location, then. En route we can discuss actual plans for once we confront them. Given we all have at least basic combat abilities, getting to the soldiers at all seems to be the most unstable part of the plan."


charinjo7 November 17 2011, 00:25:51 UTC
''So she was in one of the 8 hallways.. we should check the 3rd floor first since that's where her room is located.'' The new information didn't really help much, but it was better than nothing. ''Me and that guy over there can fight, but I don't think the kid will be of much use in that regard. The man.. girl who was here earlier can fight too, but I'm not sure if she'll actually help out or not.''

He's trying to postpone explaining the body-switch stuff for as long as he can since he thinks that it'll just confuse the newcomers even more.


wwrathofangels November 17 2011, 03:04:22 UTC
Eridan only wishes Kanaya and he were a couple. However, the real defining dynamic of their relationship is simply that Kanaya is currently far more mature than he is. Mostly, it is simply because of the biological differences; higher bloods are more prone to violent mood swings, but also they tend to mature slower.

He grumbles under his breath about how he most certainly isn't acting like a wiggler, before paying attention to the conversation at hand. "You don't hawe any wway a accessin' the transportalizer controls from here?"


charinjo7 November 17 2011, 10:58:17 UTC
''Of course not; one of the main problems would already be solved if that was the case ...wait a minute.'' He looks thoughtful. ''The female terrorist was able to teleport me away with a device that somewhat resembles a wristwatch.. Che, I doubt we'll find anything worthwhile, but I'll check the dead terrorists on our over to Andrea's floor just in case they should happen to be in possession of a similar item.''

The talk with Medic earlier had completely made him forget about that.


tendtoenunciate November 17 2011, 13:36:17 UTC
"That sounds promising." She brightens up. "After all there's no possible way to transportalize without a gate or something similar on the other side. Not to mention this route of action avoids any destruction of property, or risk of getting sucked into space and dying slow, painful deaths." She just doesn't relish that prospect, OK? After all she's never died before, she has no idea what it feels like.


charinjo7 November 17 2011, 14:58:25 UTC
He won't recommend it. Dying, that is.

''I couldn't care less about damaging property'' Gokudera mumbles. Still, they had finally decided on a plan, and that was something. ''I'll give Prussia and Canada a quick briefing on what we discussed before we head out, and see if they managed to come up with something too. Perhaps we should split into two groups in order to cover ground more effectively?''


OOC comment charinjo7 November 18 2011, 07:37:57 UTC
I guess we should consider starting a new thread soon, and decide if any of the ideas will actually work? ^^; I made him suggest two groups so it'll be easier for the players to interact with each other, but I don't know.. Help?


Re: OOC comment wwrathofangels November 19 2011, 05:02:07 UTC
Two groups should help, definitely. Either Gokudera and Eridan, and Kanaya and Prussia; or Gokudera and Prussia, and Kanaya and Eridan. I'm leaning towards the first split just to get some outside the cast interaction going more for Eri, but whatever you prefer?

So far as ideas that will actually work, if we'd rather go the less destructive route, I'm perfectly fine with one of the bodies being found with a teleporter activator wrist thingy.


Re: OOC comment charinjo7 November 19 2011, 18:10:20 UTC
I like the first one too ^^ But I assume Eridan would much rather be in Kanaya's group ic? How can he be persuaded to tag along with Dera? XD And perhaps Canada wants to tag along with Prussia and Kanaya? I assume Medic will join the others later when the respawn controls have been located.

That works! I guess we'll have to go more into details about how that thing works when one of the groups find it ^^


Re: OOC comment tendtoenunciate November 19 2011, 18:22:16 UTC
Third vote for the first voting, I likewise see the moderate difficulty of convincing the characters to do it (especially because Kanaya likewise is going to be highly tentative about the prospect of actually leaving Eridan alone with Gokudera). Maybe the logic is that they should have at least one person familiar with the asylum in each group? Since if Kanaya and Eridan stuck together neither of them would know the layout at all.


Re: OOC comment wwrathofangels November 19 2011, 21:41:59 UTC
That was also what I was thinking as far as logic goes. Which would probably be enough to persuade Kanaya, though Eridan might be a little more reluctant to go off with someone unfamiliar.


Re: OOC comment tendtoenunciate November 19 2011, 21:47:39 UTC
Riiiiiiiight. Reluctant. The "a little" does imply "a little" as in "a little while before he considers the opportunity actually get a moment to better get to know this total potential new spadesqueeze", right? Yeah?

Oh man, this is just going to be the best, guys. I think we've finally found the right medium between socializing and plotting here.


Re: OOC comment wwrathofangels November 19 2011, 22:58:46 UTC
Oh yes. There will be the initial, "But I have no idea who you are!" followed by the dawning realisation that, wait, he is trying to get into this guy's hatepants. PERFECT OPPORTUNITY.

At which point Kanaya will probably be reluctant to let them go off unsupervised, but will likely just order Eridan to be on his best behaviour and Not Flirt amirite?


Re: OOC comment charinjo7 November 20 2011, 11:47:07 UTC
Seems like we have a plan XD And for dera's part.. He'll want to keep a close eye on the newcomers since they can't be trusted yet. The fact that it'll give him the chance to observe/learn more about one of the strange alien species is not a factor at all of course


Re: OOC comment wwrathofangels November 20 2011, 11:51:09 UTC
Sweet! So, if you wanna start the next thread or however you want to continue this, that's cool with me. Oh man, I can see the misunderstandings already...

Feel free to just have Prussia there for this. Meanwhile, I will be quietly hoping they split apart quickly because kdjfifjru two characters in one thread noooo (And what I mean by this is that I don't mind you just assuming Prussia like wandered over on his own or whatever.)


Re: OOC comment tendtoenunciate November 20 2011, 12:05:21 UTC
I'll be throwing up another comment to this log where we can thread the group-splitting then? And after that each of the groups can make their own thread, to further keep things nice and organized? Quote tunneling is a bitch...


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