Magical Breakfast Cream from 'French Women Don't Get Fat.'

Feb 22, 2012 10:45

I've not done the research on that, by the way, whether or not French women get fat. I find it impossible to believe that there aren't fat French women, and if not, I'm totally disheartened by the fact that I'm American and thus chubby by nationality ( Read more... )

diet, recipe, picture, weight loss

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Comments 7

elle_blessing February 22 2012, 16:54:11 UTC
I used to eat something to that effect nearly every day when I was in college and playing soccer (breakfast and lunch, a lot of the time). I lament that I can no longer eat yogurt. Mostly because such am easy, healthy snack was taken from me. Le sigh.

Also, try granola with it too. DELICIOUS.


carrie_leigh February 22 2012, 16:58:11 UTC
Oooh, yes, granola is fantastic, too!

I'm sad that you can't have yogurt. I eat A LOT of it. It's where I get most of my dairy/calcium.


humbuggirl February 22 2012, 18:18:39 UTC
*glances across the channel*

I assure you there are fat French women. I've had several encounters.

I eat something fairly similar on a daily basis although I leave out the oils. Can't wait for UK strawberry season to get started. You can get them at the moment but they're from abroad and I end up feeling all guilty about the whole food miles/carbon footprint. Also they're more expensive.

Fruit & natural yoghurt is my evening snack if I get peckish, though, and I love granola.


cosmo_jenny February 22 2012, 18:20:04 UTC
My breakfast consists of 5 tablespoons of normal fat yogurt, 4 tablespoon of organic berry cereal mix(or müsli, as we Germans call it), 1-2 tablespoons of amaranth and a teaspoon of maple syrup.
I mix it in a small tupperware container in the evening, shake well and leave it in the fridge overnight.
I eat in my break at around 10am (I am just not hungry before) and it is delicious.
Only downside: I hate the raisins/sultanas in the cereal mix.


slitherhither February 23 2012, 07:46:22 UTC
Funny how there are so many comments about this being everyone's favorite breakfast, because, well this is my favorite (healthy) breakfast too! (I have lots of favorite unhealthy breakfasts.) My variation is raw oats, plain yogurt, dried blueberries (for sweetness, yum) and almonds. In fact I should be eating that instead of what I've had the audacity to call breakfast lately.


seegrim February 23 2012, 11:03:43 UTC
I have one friend from France. She's lovely and quite thin. It could just be she's very slender naturally. Go figure! But - you lured me in! I'm always wanting something healthy in the morning that's going to give me the entire so that I'm not already starting to think about lunch at eleven!

It's been too long, Carrie, since we had a good long talk. I miss you. I hope you doing well!


carrie_leigh February 24 2012, 02:28:50 UTC
I miss you, too & I'd love to catch up. Anytime. :)


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