Ah, the minutia of life. Made better with chocolate.

Apr 14, 2011 08:27

★ I have a day ahead of doctor visits. I like these particular doctors as people, but still. I'd rather be tied up, gagged and dragged behind a truck on a gravel road than go ( Read more... )

teaching, theatre, coffee, i'm an idiot, doctors, recipe, picture, people are punks

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Comments 9

brendanm720 April 14 2011, 13:32:56 UTC
I found (and purchased) a t-shirt down at Madeira Beach that had the following in white text on black:

[x] Engineer
[x] Ninja (with little white silhouette of a ninja)

Sounds like you need one with "Teacher" substituted in for "Engineer".


elle_blessing April 14 2011, 15:22:38 UTC
I need a ninja shirt. If I ever found one about ninjas AND pirates though, that'd be really epic.


13oct April 14 2011, 14:43:47 UTC
How, how, how do you loose weight when you bake stuff like this?!! Tell me your secret girl!


elle_blessing April 14 2011, 15:21:28 UTC
Moderation! One cookie instead of three. Or five. ;)


carrie_leigh April 15 2011, 13:52:18 UTC
I only bake whenever people are coming over, and then I give the rest of it away.


elle_blessing April 14 2011, 15:20:30 UTC
Those little cookie treats DO look cute, and perhaps simple enough that even I might be able to make them.

That's "what do you love?" question is way too broad. I love too many people and things. Hmm. Maybe I'm not selective enough about what I love...


abitofayla April 14 2011, 15:26:08 UTC
I so agree with you on the whole "medium" thing at coffee shops. I will not conform to the cutesy "sophisticated" names like "Tall" "grande" and "venti". They all mean big. I do not want big.

Stealing, yet again, another recipe. My household thanks you. :)


sarea_okelani April 14 2011, 19:13:34 UTC
Those cookies are adorable!


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