October's Winners and November's Contest!

Nov 03, 2010 17:35

I had all sorts of fun entries for Halloween, and I've been reading them when I've had time over the past few days. So, here goes.

October's winners! )

contest, halloween, thanksgiving

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Comments 22

jessicakmalfoy November 4 2010, 01:10:11 UTC
Do I just tell you my answer here?


carrie_leigh November 4 2010, 01:26:24 UTC
Why, yes. Yes you do.


jessicakmalfoy November 4 2010, 01:28:28 UTC
then i am thankful that i had aislynn. i was going down a very dark road when i was 20 (because i thought i was invincible, i guess) and then i suddenly found out i was pregnant. EVERYONE tried to convince me to have an abortion or give her up for adoption, but i never considered either one. she saved my life, and quite honestly, i think she's pretty perfect and awesome. i love her so much. every day i thank God for her.


eustacia_vye28 November 4 2010, 01:58:19 UTC
I am thankful for many things. In no particular order: my beautiful daughter Madison, my wonderful husband Jason, my job (challenging and fun and oh so interesting), my friends, the wonderful bits of fandom that I'm part of, the house we live in, that our neighbors are friendly and welcoming, that this town is great for kids and Maddy enjoys it here, that I can put my family's special blend of crazy into perspective now, and that I can be of help to others through the work that I do and sometimes just being there.

I am just in a really really really good place right now, and I don't think I can EVER really be thankful enough to have all of this. :)


goeungurl November 4 2010, 06:00:26 UTC
*does cartwheel* YAY!!! You make me smile too.

It's been a whole year of contests? Wow. No idea. I hope you keep doing them. They've been fun--both to enter and read other entries. Besides, I still need to try to win one of your fabulous bags. ;)

I'm going to come back for the thankful one once I've had time to think on it.


heyurs November 4 2010, 14:45:44 UTC



heyurs November 4 2010, 14:44:11 UTC

  :O! Ohmygoodness! *squees* I DO NOT believe this! HAHAHAHAHA!

I know. I never follow the rules, huh? My Granny used to get after me all of the time about it. You would've thought I'd've straightened up and flown right, huh? ;D




Being Thankful anonymous November 4 2010, 16:10:00 UTC
I am thankful to have such a talented and beautiful cousin. 'Nuff said! Julie McLaughlin


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