October's Winners and November's Contest!

Nov 03, 2010 17:35

I had all sorts of fun entries for Halloween, and I've been reading them when I've had time over the past few days. So, here goes.

October's winners! )

contest, halloween, thanksgiving

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Comments 22

Thankful anonymous November 4 2010, 16:20:54 UTC
I look over the past year, even two, and think how broken and desperate my family would be every time a dr from the hospital would call to say my sister was in critical condition and that they didn't think she was going to make it...5 times within 4 months to be exact. Alcohol and drugs were her means to stop the pain she was feeling. While it temporarily stopped her pain, it was the cause of affliction in her family. With tears in my eyes, I sit here and praise the Lord for what He has done and is doing. She has been clean for 9 months and is doing FABULOUS! She shouldn't be alive today...He has amazing plans for her! I couldn't have gone through this without the love and support of my husband and sweet children. I am eternally grateful for them and for my sweet Heavenly Father who NEVER LETS GO! :) Lori P.


wolfstar07 November 5 2010, 05:26:10 UTC
I've recently moved out of my parents' house and 1000 miles away. Even though I don't have a job or car yet, I've got a really awesome support system here who are willing to help me out in whatever way they can.


abitofayla November 16 2010, 01:15:10 UTC
I'm thankful to have things piss me off. Believe it or not. I'm glad my co-workers drive me nuts because I have a job. I'm glad that my mom is so invasive because that means she cares. I'm glad (okay not so much) that the dogs bark at 3 in the morning because it means I have someone there to snuggle with.

These things that irritate me mean I have so much to be thankful for. God has blessed me so very, very much.


idreamofdraco November 16 2010, 01:36:03 UTC
I'm thankful for my family, that my parents stayed together when others would have parted, that they give everything to me and my brother that we could possibly need or want. Even though we might be spoiled because of that, it means that I can go to school with their support. As for my brother, even though we didn't get along well at all growing up, now I'm thankful to have him as a friend, whether he wants to be my friend or not. :)


elle_blessing November 16 2010, 03:07:57 UTC
I like this "contest" :D

I'm thankful that I'm saved. I'm thankful my family is alive, healthy and close enough that I can see any of them any time I want. I'm thankful that Mr. Elle is my best friend. I'm thankful for me moody dog. I'm thankful that I'm alive and healthy. I'm thankful for the undeserved blessings Mr. Elle and I have - good jobs, a home, and more than we need in every aspect of our lives ( ... )


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