There's no place like home.

Nov 02, 2008 13:36

I'm exhausted, but I'm home. And despite a two day stint with some spectacular seasickness (like unimaginiable blech - way worse than migraines or pregancy) It was a fabulous time. Best vacation I've ever had. I missed all you online folks like crazy, and will post pictures when I feel less like collapsing ( Read more... )

to do list, dgficexchange, vacation

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Comments 14

cosmo_jenny November 2 2008, 19:52:33 UTC
Welcome back to cruel reality.


anethema_device November 2 2008, 19:52:58 UTC
Welcome back :-) Glad you had a good holiday..


elvishly November 2 2008, 19:54:21 UTC
Welcome back, I'm glad you had an awesome vacation. :D

I also got your package! Thank you so much. ^-^


nbaeker November 2 2008, 20:27:10 UTC
Welcome home, we missed you.

In important news: We got our house, signed the lease yesterday.... and Efrayim dropped our laptop so I've less than half a screen to work with at the moment. I'm ordering a new one though.


ticklethepear November 2 2008, 20:35:32 UTC
Welcome back!


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