There's no place like home.

Nov 02, 2008 13:36

I'm exhausted, but I'm home. And despite a two day stint with some spectacular seasickness (like unimaginiable blech - way worse than migraines or pregancy) It was a fabulous time. Best vacation I've ever had. I missed all you online folks like crazy, and will post pictures when I feel less like collapsing ( Read more... )

to do list, dgficexchange, vacation

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Comments 14

jandjsalmon November 2 2008, 21:14:26 UTC
*dances up and down* YAY YAY YAY! For being home!!!!!!!


airmidm November 2 2008, 21:17:37 UTC
Welcome home! I missed you! I'm glad you had a good vacation. :)


seegrim November 2 2008, 21:21:21 UTC


heyurs November 2 2008, 21:24:22 UTC

YAY! You're hooooome! :D

Urs is very sad. Very pitiful. :/


dragonsangel68 November 2 2008, 22:01:36 UTC
Welcome home!


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