
Mar 09, 2010 20:28

I can feel myself falling into a really deep depression and it really scares me. I can already see it affecting important things. Mainly the start of the jewelry business. I'm forgetting to send and call about finished products. I haven't taken the pictures I need to send for the website. I have ideas and don't know how to take the creativity and ( Read more... )

via ljapp

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Comments 13

sameinanylingo March 10 2010, 02:30:38 UTC
If you need to talk I'm here!


carpedi7 March 10 2010, 03:37:11 UTC
Thank you, once I feel like I can talk coherently I may take you up on that. :)


(The comment has been removed)

carpedi7 March 10 2010, 03:41:54 UTC
Thank you, I backed out on excercising cause I just felt like I couldn't do it, but since my mother in law paid for 3 months I feel as if I have to make the effort. I wrote out all of my special orders and I have finished one tonight. I'm going to work on an original piece now because the rosaries are kind of mindless and I need to use the creativity, not just my skills. Thanks for being there and always knowing the right thing to say.


idreamofpeace March 10 2010, 02:55:16 UTC
I hate that this disease defeats our attempts to get better. I hate that. I'm proud of you for going to call the counseling center. Are you taking meds? I love you. Lean on Jeremy, if need be.


carpedi7 March 10 2010, 03:44:55 UTC
It does, it sabatoges us and that sucks and it isn't fair and again it is what it is. I am on meds. I take Prozac, and it does work, it also doesn't make me feel out of it or in a fog, but I'm thinking I may need something to go along with it, bad thing is my dr doesn't speak much english and it is sometimes hard to get my point across to him. I love you too and I am going to try to lean on J, but it just isn't the same as you guys, because you understand.


idreamofpeace March 10 2010, 03:50:30 UTC
Do you think that upping the dose of Prozac could help? Because you shouldn't be feeling this depressed if you're on an antidepressant (a lesson I've had to learn). Also, I'm assuming the counseling center is different than your doctor, right? Because it might be that you really need therapy right now since you do have so much going on. I know it's one more thing, but it might be the one thing to make the other things better. I need to get a therapist, as well. I keep putting it off, but I know I need to figure out coping mechanisms and stuff.


carpedi7 March 10 2010, 05:21:37 UTC
There is a good chance that upping the Prozac could help, I don't want to have to get used to a new med. The counseling center is just counseling, no medical and yes I think that the therapy is what I need. Unfortunately my therapist is no longer there, that is why I had quit, she felt I was doing well enough that I didn't need to start with a new one unless I felt I needed to and she was leaving.


paksenarrion2 March 10 2010, 06:17:53 UTC
Take it one day at a time-and definitely call the counseling center. petrona had a good piece of advice. Focus on one task at a time-break things down into smaller tasks if you have to. Set realistic goals and forgive yourself if you can't accomplish one on a particular day. You have a lot of things going on right now and are under a lot of stress (even if some of the things are good like planning your wedding-that is still stressful).



daydreamer1984 March 10 2010, 12:20:12 UTC
aww im sorry hun! I think calling the counselling centre might be a good idea. I know it might feel like adding something to your list, but afterwards it might feel like you just scratched a bunch off cause you'll feel better *hugs*


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