[Introduction] A horrid turn of events

Jan 14, 2011 00:37

The coach ride to Bath proves utterly imperilous, with no great calamity than a stop at an inn -- its taproom sadly lacking in sinisterly scarred ruffians or raddled wenches with sharp tongues, much less a kitchen with a fat, surly chef cuffing the kitchen boys. Once they resume their journey, they nearly turn back to the inn, when Mrs. Allen ( Read more... )

tristan, agravain, aredhel, zz:(dropped)the doctor (ten), zz:(dropped)albert herrera, steerpike, zz:(dropped)lucivar yaslana, zz:(dropped)clayton danvers, asato (lamento), zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, neville longbottom, zz:(dropped)phoenix wright, 11-12 (the prisoner), zz:(dropped)d'eon (and lia) de beaumont, temeraire, zz:(dropped)enide, melou, brienne of tarth, !introduction, zz:(dropped)graverobber, catherine morland, caranthir

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Comments 792

arid_white_lady January 14 2011, 06:14:10 UTC
How about a gentle, pale, very tall, non-human lady in a white gown? Aredhel was just on her way to the kitchen when she heard the knock, and so here she is, answering the door.

"--- do come in," she says in an unearthly, singing tone. "It's too cold to stay outside, for an Atan."

Hope that's alright? I couldn't resist. And let me know who else you want? I was thinking of sending my Repo! pup because he needs to get out more, and my shieldmaiden, pretty much for the same reason. And they're both weird anyways. ^^

I'm a be a touch slow, but feel free to assume that Ar will brief Catherine appropriately for the subsequent threads, and that she's helped her settle in. She's a very helpful lady. :D


regency_twihard January 14 2011, 06:51:05 UTC
Catherine starts back slightly, surprised by this lady and already in awe of her. "Oh... oh, are you the lady of the manor? I am Catherine Morland of Fullerton," she says, dropping as neat and deep a curtsy as she can manage, in her agitated state.


arid_white_lady January 15 2011, 05:53:51 UTC
"I am Aredhel," she replies patiently - her voice is a bit singing. "I do live here, but -- please, do come in. Atani should not be out in the cold as you are."

Her smile is patient. "I shan't harm you, I swear it - the house of Fingolfin means to harm to the Second Born."


regency_twihard January 15 2011, 06:09:36 UTC
She steps across the threshold, puzzled by these names, but hardly one to refuse a kind offer, from a lady with such a lovely voice. "So you are a noblewoman? I've not heard of your house before, I'm afraid."


in_summer_leaf January 14 2011, 13:29:23 UTC
If Miss Morland should happen to return to the out-of-doors to walk in the wasted garden near the pond, she will find Hisoka sitting on a bench, gazing up at the sky. He is back in his 1890s naval uniform today, partly because its coat is warm, and partly because he's feeling nostalgic. And if Catherine believes there should be a ghost on the grounds, Hisoka might conceivably fill the bill. (He is dead, after all.)

He has a wistful expression on his face, and he is singing softly, not knowing anyone can hear. It is a poem of Christina Rossetti's, entitled "Shall I Forget?" which he has set to music. He has a sweet voice, that boy with the striking green eyes. Surely he is some dead hero, returned from a grave in the deep ocean, to sing his true love this remembrance of happier days and of his deathless devotion!

Shall I forget on this side of the grave?
I promise nothing: you must wait and see,
Patient and brave.
(O my soul, watch with him, and he with me.)Shall I forget in peace of Paradise ( ... )


regency_twihard January 14 2011, 17:47:48 UTC
Now that she is settled in the Mansion, and feeling more at ease, Catherine is venturing outside to explore the grounds. She only glimpsed the pond as she hastened up the path to the door, but now she seeks it out. In her eyes, it looks like a painting, but spying the young man seated on the bench, she pauses, listening to his angelic voice. She ducks behind a snowy young tree, shyly, watching him, wondering if he might indeed be a ghost of a young naval sailor, who died in battle with the French and who returned to his home, only in spectral form, seeking his sweetheart.


in_summer_leaf January 15 2011, 09:51:46 UTC
Hisoka breaks off and gives a soft sigh.

Then he speaks, softly, into the air, "Seph, you jerk!"

Suddenly he realizes he has vocalized his thoughts, and he stares quickly around, this way and that way, to see if he is alone. There is a tree nearby, and perhaps he may glimpse a flash of flowing skirt or cloak...?


regency_twihard January 16 2011, 05:38:39 UTC
Hearing his sorrowful cry and startled that he's turning to look around, she quickly ducks back behind the tree she'd stepped out from behind. Has he seen her? Is he here to take revenge on his lover? Did he run away to the sea to flee the sorrow of a lost love?


ao_ji January 14 2011, 19:52:36 UTC
What's this nonsense about feeling at ease? There's an app dragon for that.

Temeraire, all 110 feet worth of him, is lounging by the lake. It's too cold to swim, but he's enjoying the view that he'll have from his soon to be built pavilion and would not mind the company.

Thought I'd go for dramatic. Let me know if there's anybody else you'd like. They're all pretty strange. ^^


regency_twihard January 14 2011, 20:09:44 UTC
Feeling adventurous, Catherine has ventured out as far as the lake, her hands tucked inside a fur-lined muff she found in a closet.

She's just imagining that there might be a monster lurking in the depths of the lake, though now it lies sleeping deep under the ice, when she realizes she is not alone. Looking up, she spies Temeraire. Emitting a gasp of surprise and mild terror, she backs away, wondering if she's going to be eaten...

I was about to poke you for this fellow, seeing that his canon has been called the kind of thing that Jane Austen might write if she'd played Dungeons and Dragons with Christopher Paolini. Hmm can has an Asato? After the initial "Bzuh??" Cathy would likely adore him.


ao_ji January 14 2011, 20:48:06 UTC
Temeraire hears her and turns his head around on a long neck to look around for the sound.

Ruff lifting in curiosity, a bright blue eye considers the human.

"Hello... miss." He remembers that human women (not the riders, but the ones like Laurence's mother) like to be called things like Miss and Lady.

Woo! And yes, you may has an Asato. ^^


regency_twihard January 14 2011, 22:21:02 UTC
She wants to run away, but she stops before she even turns to flee, surprised by that voice. "Did... Did you speak?" She's never heard of a dragon that could speak before, and she wonders if this might be a person under an enchantment.


misborncat January 14 2011, 20:55:21 UTC
A little farther in the forest is a cottage and just outside is a young man smoking some meat while roasting a hare on a spit. He tends to cook outside, feeling that inside is more The Merlin's domain, but it has the side effect of allowing the tasty smells to carry far and wide.

Asato is bundled up a bit, with a hat that he's cut holes in for his ears and a scarf around his neck. His sword isn't too far away and over all he might give one the impression of some kind of hermit way out in the forest.


regency_twihard January 15 2011, 00:48:06 UTC
Aredhel likely has warned Catherine about going deep into the woods, but she's ventured further in, following the well-worn paths there, and imagining that Robin Hood and his merry men might be camped somewhere about. Thus, when she smells the woodsmoke and the scent of cooking, she quickens her pace, wondering if her fancies might come true.

On reaching the cottage and spying what appears to be a young man by the fire, she pauses, watching him curiously for a long moment. Then she steps closer, leaning in carefully to get a better look at him. "Excuse me, are you the keeper ofvthe forest?" she asks.

That's when she notices his ears and her jaw drops in surprise.


misborncat January 15 2011, 20:12:58 UTC
"No," Asato says simply. "I'm Asato. I live here. Who are you?" His ears flick forward a bit as his tail swings slightly behind him.


regency_twihard January 15 2011, 21:47:19 UTC
"I'm Catherine Morland, from Fullerton," she says, dropping a curtsy. Which is when she notices the peculiar man's tail. "Are you... are you a cat?" This is mind-boggling: it's certainly not a costume, as the tail appears to be moving by itself.


knightscholar January 15 2011, 00:47:58 UTC
Here's a Lia, standing in the middle of the hallway, holding a teapot and completely lost in thought. Her other hand is pressed to her collarbone, and she seems downright worried, but mostly far away. It would perhaps be prudent to leave her be, but her skirts are blocking the entire hallway. Despite the teapot, there's no way anyone would mistake her for a servant.

[OOC: Is a cross-dressing possessed French spy good enough? Tell me who else you want, pretty please.]


regency_twihard January 15 2011, 00:56:20 UTC
It's likely getting colder out as the day draws to a close, and Catherine has headed inside, looking for some tea herself. She's fussing with removing her wraps and looking for a place to hang them up. Thus she's not looking where she's going when she catches her foot on the hem of Lia's gown and down she goes in a graceless heap. Whoops!

Hee, Lia is perfect! Can has an Albert, as well?


knightscholar January 15 2011, 00:59:53 UTC
That gets Lia's attention and almost pulls her off balance. The result is that she's suddenly focused on where she is again, and crouches to help the poor unfortunate girl up with her free hand. "I'm so sorry," she says in her low alto. "I took up the entire hall, didn't I? Do you mind if I help you up?"


regency_twihard January 15 2011, 01:06:15 UTC
"It's quite all right," Catherine says, her cloak puddled under her and her bonnet askew. "I was not looking where I was going: your ladyship was hardly to blame."


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