[Introduction] A horrid turn of events

Jan 14, 2011 00:37

The coach ride to Bath proves utterly imperilous, with no great calamity than a stop at an inn -- its taproom sadly lacking in sinisterly scarred ruffians or raddled wenches with sharp tongues, much less a kitchen with a fat, surly chef cuffing the kitchen boys. Once they resume their journey, they nearly turn back to the inn, when Mrs. Allen ( Read more... )

tristan, agravain, aredhel, zz:(dropped)the doctor (ten), zz:(dropped)albert herrera, steerpike, zz:(dropped)lucivar yaslana, zz:(dropped)clayton danvers, asato (lamento), zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, neville longbottom, zz:(dropped)phoenix wright, 11-12 (the prisoner), zz:(dropped)d'eon (and lia) de beaumont, temeraire, zz:(dropped)enide, melou, brienne of tarth, !introduction, zz:(dropped)graverobber, catherine morland, caranthir

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ao_ji January 14 2011, 19:52:36 UTC
What's this nonsense about feeling at ease? There's an app dragon for that.

Temeraire, all 110 feet worth of him, is lounging by the lake. It's too cold to swim, but he's enjoying the view that he'll have from his soon to be built pavilion and would not mind the company.

Thought I'd go for dramatic. Let me know if there's anybody else you'd like. They're all pretty strange. ^^


regency_twihard January 14 2011, 20:09:44 UTC
Feeling adventurous, Catherine has ventured out as far as the lake, her hands tucked inside a fur-lined muff she found in a closet.

She's just imagining that there might be a monster lurking in the depths of the lake, though now it lies sleeping deep under the ice, when she realizes she is not alone. Looking up, she spies Temeraire. Emitting a gasp of surprise and mild terror, she backs away, wondering if she's going to be eaten...

I was about to poke you for this fellow, seeing that his canon has been called the kind of thing that Jane Austen might write if she'd played Dungeons and Dragons with Christopher Paolini. Hmm can has an Asato? After the initial "Bzuh??" Cathy would likely adore him.


ao_ji January 14 2011, 20:48:06 UTC
Temeraire hears her and turns his head around on a long neck to look around for the sound.

Ruff lifting in curiosity, a bright blue eye considers the human.

"Hello... miss." He remembers that human women (not the riders, but the ones like Laurence's mother) like to be called things like Miss and Lady.

Woo! And yes, you may has an Asato. ^^


regency_twihard January 14 2011, 22:21:02 UTC
She wants to run away, but she stops before she even turns to flee, surprised by that voice. "Did... Did you speak?" She's never heard of a dragon that could speak before, and she wonders if this might be a person under an enchantment.


ao_ji January 14 2011, 22:24:01 UTC
"Of course I did." Temeraire lowers his head a bit to be closer to her level. "I speak four languages fluently. I am Temeraire. What is your name?"


regency_twihard January 15 2011, 00:40:42 UTC
She's still hesitant, but she takes a step closer to him. "I am Catherine Morland, from Fullerton," she says. "Are you a real dragon? I have only read about dragons in books." she's still a bit incredulous, but this is slowly eroding.


ao_ji January 15 2011, 19:23:37 UTC
"Of course I am a real dragon. As you are a real human." That huge head comes down lower to her level.

"I am here with another dragon, Iskierka. She is a real dragon as well."


regency_twihard January 15 2011, 21:49:26 UTC
She steps closer still, cautiously. "A real dragon... You don't eat people or steal away maidens, do you?" she asks, apprehensively. "I only know about dragons from books that I have read, and they weren't particularly nice creatures."


ao_ji January 15 2011, 22:05:30 UTC
"Should I? I have never done such a thing before and I do not eat humans. Not unless I must, but I have not done so yet." Temeraire snorts, possibly ruffling her clothes a bit in the wind.

"And dragons are just like humans. Some are good and some are not. I am a good dragon. I am a Chinese Celestial." He clearly takes a great deal of pride in that.


regency_twihard January 15 2011, 23:27:31 UTC
She starts a little at that wind, but she's slowly starting to grow somewhat accustomed to this most extraordinary creature. "You're certainly a very beautiful dragon," she says. "So, you come from China? How is it, may I ask, that you speak English so well?"


ao_ji January 17 2011, 19:28:25 UTC
Of course he is a beautiful dragon, his posture seems to say. "I was hatched aboard an English naval ship and my Captain is Captain Laurence, an English man. Even if England has banished us both. It was not right and I am still angry over it."


regency_twihard January 18 2011, 03:26:15 UTC
"Oh my," she says, reaching out and trying to caress his nose, compassionately. "I'm so sorry to hear that. But why would you be exiled? Or is it too tragic for you to speak of it?" She's never heard of dragons in England, but she is only a parson's daughter from a country town.


ao_ji January 18 2011, 18:27:04 UTC
Temeraire rumbles a bit, pleased at the nose petting and he pushed against her hand. "I did not agree with what that King had decided to do and so they were going to kill Laurence and exile just me, but then we fought the French and defeated them and so we were heroes. Still, the told us to leave, but at least they did not kill Laurence."


regency_twihard January 18 2011, 20:25:16 UTC
She smiles a little and keeps stroking Temeraire's nose, running her fingers over his scales. "Oh... How dreadful! So you are a war hero? I've not heard of dragons taking part in the war, but I am from a small village in the country and news of the war travels slowly."


ao_ji January 18 2011, 20:28:38 UTC
"We are a very important part of the war," Temeraire says. "I was a very brave fighter and Laurence is a brave and noble captain. He is not here though with me."


regency_twihard January 18 2011, 20:47:51 UTC
She drapes his arm over Temeraire's nose, leaning her cheek against it, hugging him gently, then pulls back, wondering if she was too forward. "I am so sorry to hear that. You must be so lonely without so close a friend," she says. "I hope you have made a good friend since you arrived here."


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