[Crackplot] April Fools Day!

Apr 01, 2010 16:01

The boys have been busy - quite busy. You see, dear folks of the Mansion - these twins have been reading Edain books. And have found out about pranks - not that they weren't into those before - when Molly Carpenter was around, they got in trouble with shenanigans often enough.

Perhaps it's nostalgia for those simpler days that brings them to this.

At any rate, there will be various practical jokes set about the Mansion, buckets atop doors left ajar, strings across the corridor, cabinets glued shut, and other annoying little things like this. Squirmish girls might find harmless plastic critters in unlikely places. There will be boxes with popping snakes lying about, and fart cushions in the common room. Not to mention stink bombs, which are not excluded.

None of this is magic, though - it's all very natural and easily dealt with - mainly, the boys are in for teasing the Mansion's denizens, and are blissfully unaware of what came to pass during the night.

Perhaps the most problematic instance will be a sign, posted on the 'magic cabinet', otherwise known as the plothole. In fine, neat, serious script, it reads...

 Of course, if anyone defies the sign, they'll find out it was lying.

The twins, in the meantime, are innocently about - and will be watching the plot unfold with hidden amusement. Hey - we never said they weren't teens, after all.

[OOC: So, a natural crackplot of sorts, feel free to assume any of the ordinary practical jokes listed above happens to your puppet, gawk with a friend, etc. Intended to be both harmless and silly, etc. Unless specifically requested, I won't tag the twins in - and feel free to ask the typist for any of her other puppets as well.]

scheherazade, zz:(dropped)gellert grindelwald, zz:(dropped)miles edgeworth, kazutaka muraki, robin goodfellow, elurìn of doriath, zz:(dropped)adrian ivashkov, elurèd of doriath, steerpike, sophie rackham, asato tsuzuki, !crackplot, asato (lamento), zz:(dropped)george berger

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