A warm spring morning, with a hint of rain in the air, though for now, the sunlight streams in through the windows of the clinic. A day full of life, a good day for a child to be born
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Fuchsia's waited nearly a day before coming to meet the newest mansion resident. She was having a serious case of anxiety about meeting the baby. What if she breaks the baby.
"Is everyone well?" No hello, or announcement, just a voice from the hall.
He chuckles. "When she ain't sleeping, she will. And there's more than one way to feed a kid, though if I do find a gal who's nursing her own and doesn't mind taking on a friend for her wee one," he replies. "Wonder if she'll like fruit when she's bigger and ready for solids: kept craving fruit all the time I was carrying her."
"Glucose and water from a bottle for the first twenty-four hours: she's not sure about this eating thing just yet, since she's been getting her eats from my bloodstream, but she'll get the idea soon enough," he says. "After that, it'll be goat milk for her, till she's big enough to handle solids."
"I can't imagine her being big enough to eat solids." The more Fuchsia stares, the more she thinks the child is perfect, just as she is.
"Think if you could have a baby, you could've fed her." She says it not really meaning anything. "How'd she be able to live if we didn't have everything here?"
Excuse Fuchsia going a bit morbid. She's doing the unfortunate thing of thinking of all that can go wrong with the wee one.
He'll glance at his chest as he replies. "Likely age or hormones getting the better of me: yah'd think I'd get some of the benefits, but it looks like I got the short end of the stick," he says. "At least we're well-provided for here." He's seen what happens in not so ideal situations, and suffered through it as well, being a walking example of genetic overspecialization.
"Plenty of love, too, by all accounts: I ain't royalty or nobility by any account, but she'll be like a Princess of Time, I can guarantee that," he says, settling on his pillows, tiredly, but looking on the two ladies with pride.
Verrity herself has settled down into a peaceful snooze, nestled down in her auntie's arms.
"Is everyone well?" No hello, or announcement, just a voice from the hall.
But Fuchsia is the one here now. She's tempted to ask if he feeds her, but keeps silent.
"That would be healthy. But how is she fed now?"
Oh, the things Fuchsia doesn't know.
"Think if you could have a baby, you could've fed her." She says it not really meaning anything. "How'd she be able to live if we didn't have everything here?"
Excuse Fuchsia going a bit morbid. She's doing the unfortunate thing of thinking of all that can go wrong with the wee one.
"Yes, she'll have plenty here." Fuchsia agreeing as if it's like knocking on wood.
She rocks Verrity a tiny bit. The baby will have lots of cuddles too, if she wants.
Verrity herself has settled down into a peaceful snooze, nestled down in her auntie's arms.
Fuchsia, for once, is going to show great patience and hold Verrity for as long as she wants to sleep.
[A good place to wrap them up?]
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