It has taken time for this to happen, for the Dark Lord to gather it all, his influence of that which is not Arda but close enough to it, that which he hates about all else for the light of it remains a beacon.
For his enemies lie in the comfort of the Mansion, while he rots in the darkness.
For these innocent little beings exist barely for any other reason than his own pleasure to torture them. And how he burns to twist them into things he could put to his use! How he wants to take them all into the void, with him, to exult his solitary anger.
And so on this night, the wind howls harder than it ever has. Snow and blizzards tide over the Mansion grounds like so many wolves biting at the evergreens and their quiet beauty. So many winds gather, to tear at the roof, to tear at the walls, to make the magic house crumble to ashes.
The mind of Morgoth is bent on nothing else as he broods in the dark dimension where the Maiar have confined him, and so his destruction extends to the minds of those who dwell there, to their bodies and their hearts as much as it does to their surroundings.
The earth shakes, and everything crumbles to the ground like a house of cards, tumbling over unexpecting dwellers.
There will be casualties, there will be loss, but never enough to sate Melkor, the evil Vala.
[[OOC: So here comes a crackplot, with the following effects:
- the Mansion is going to come tumbling down in the middle of the night, though folk may be extremely lucky and survive.
- there is an earthquake in the middle of a violent snow storm, with the logical effects this may bring.
- there are also psychic attacks which may induce any level of amnesia.
In the aftermath of this event, disappearances will finally be noticeable, including those induced by the Drop. Please let those who were closest to the disappeared sound the alarm, it's only logical.
The Mansion will rebuild itself in a few days, on its own. Other effects are at the discretion of puppets's muns.
Apocalyptic soundtrack, courtosy of