Monteith Monday: Hot For Teacher Edition

Jun 13, 2011 09:05

Today's installment of Monteith Monday is purely selfish, since I am hoping it will inspire me to finish this stupid fic. I don't even know why I'm having such a hard time with it. I mean, it's pretty much done, for all rights and purposes, insofar as the conflict is concerned. So really all I need to write is a denouement of some variety and ( Read more... )

cory monteith has a ridiculous face, books, boring rl stuff, monteith mondays

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Comments 13

jengeorge June 13 2011, 13:36:32 UTC
Good morning! Pervy Finn this morning, what a great way to start the day ( ... )


carolinecrane June 13 2011, 15:03:32 UTC
My dryer literally smelled like death. We cleaned out a whole bunch of lint, so I'm hoping it's just residual odor that will go away, but if not I'll have to investigate further.

Yes, it is the cover letter book. It's pretty bizarre, but entertaining of an evening, and it was a quick read which I can count toward my work-related summer reading challenge, so that's a bonus.

Sorry to hear about your crazy week. That sounds awfully dull for sure. Not that mine is any more exciting. I get to see the dentist on Thursday! Other than that and a haircut, I hope to get some writing done. So far it's going really slowly.


rabidfan June 13 2011, 15:47:57 UTC
This is dance recital week

Ah, memories! I was in choir, glee, vocal ensemble...pretty much every class I could get my hands on all through school. At least 4 times a school year my long-suffering father (he always made sure to tell me it was one of the attributes of the holy spirit) would have to spend hours sitting in our auditorium while I rehearsed...and goofed off. He never complained. He said it was a fine time to mentally practise his sermon for the week or to meditate on something. I didn't appreciate him enough at the time as I was always embarrassed that my DAD was there when every one else's MOM would come. My mom didn't even go to the performances. Not even when I had solos. That still kind of stings, tbh. But dad. Lord love him. Clueless, permanently confused about all things not church related but he showed up every single time. Even after I could drive myself.

I'm going to go call him and say thanks. It's only 20yrs late.

Someday your daughter will call you, too, to thank you for being there. For being


jb_slasher June 13 2011, 14:25:01 UTC
You made my day with ridiculous moving people. ...wait, no, that's just Cory. BUT MATTHEW'S SMILE IS FUNKY IN A REAL GOOD WAY.


carolinecrane June 13 2011, 14:59:53 UTC
He looks like a muppet! A weirdly hot muppet.


myownghost June 13 2011, 15:49:29 UTC
woof! times three! but finn, omg. that look is pure sex. mmmmm.

what is puck tearing up over? he's a real sentimentalist at heart, isn't he?


carolinecrane June 13 2011, 15:53:42 UTC
Puck just wants somebody to love him! That's why he and Kurt are perfect for each other.

All three gifs are from the scene in "Blame It On the Alcohol" when Schue gives them his cell so they can call if they're ever too drunk to drive. That's Puck's, "Wow, somebody cares about me" face. Bless.

Finn, of course, is imagining all the things he could do with Schue's digits that don't involve alcohol.


myownghost June 13 2011, 15:56:46 UTC
aw, bless, indeed. <3

mmm, finn. i'm still humming about that look. his eyebrow, wow... i have the feeling cory's been around the block a few times. :D


rabidfan June 13 2011, 15:51:42 UTC
Eek! I'm glad there was nothing really dead in the dryer. Is it one of the high efficiency ones? Cause they're sort of known for stinky. I don't own one so I cannot say whats supposed to fix dryer is about 10 yrs old. (And I'm totally taking the back off today! I have a fear of dryer fires. My sisters MIL's house burned to the ground because of one.)

Nice use of a Monday! All good faces first thing in the morning! Pictures of the haircut to come??


mavilous June 13 2011, 18:02:23 UTC
My kindle does not approve of Monteith Monday, so I see nothing. TEARS. ALL THE TEARS. I'll just stare at your header, I guess.

it was me in your dryer, btw. all me.


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