Monteith Monday: Hot For Teacher Edition

Jun 13, 2011 09:05

Today's installment of Monteith Monday is purely selfish, since I am hoping it will inspire me to finish this stupid fic. I don't even know why I'm having such a hard time with it. I mean, it's pretty much done, for all rights and purposes, insofar as the conflict is concerned. So really all I need to write is a denouement of some variety and call it a day, and yet. AND YET.

So, you know, have a picture of Finn perving on Schue. Not a terrible way to start an otherwise gloomy Monday.

That smile. It kills me a little more every time.

And since I was capping the episode anyway, let's all take a moment to admire Puck's lovely face. You're beautiful when you cry, bb. ♥


This weekend (which was only one day long, since I had to work yesterday) I expected to spend fishing a dead mouse out of my dryer vent, but we cleaned it out and there wasn't anything dead in there after all. Good news! But my dryer still smells a little like something died. Bad news.

Today after work I am getting my hair cut, which is waaaaay overdue, so I'm looking forward to it. After that I am going home and attempting to write something, but so far I'm not having much luck.

I read the strangest book this weekend. Overqualified by Joey Comeau. I'm not even sure how to describe it. I'm not sure I recommend it, either. It was...short. Also weird. But short.

I am behind on comments again! Raise your hand if you're surprised. Yeah, that's what I thought.

cory monteith has a ridiculous face, books, boring rl stuff, monteith mondays

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