Fic: Offside Pass (Glee, Kurt/Puck, NC17)

Sep 09, 2010 22:26

Title: Offside Pass
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Rating: not for kids
Summary: Futurefic. Puck's working as a bartender in L.A. when he runs into the one person he had no idea he'd been missing.

A/N: So back in January cinderlily wrote a Glee futurefic called talk in the past and not the present tense. It's a great fic, Kurt POV (and you should read it first or parts of this one probably won't make a lick of sense) and ever since I first read it I have wondered about Puck's take on the situation. So this weekend I said, "Hey, what do you say I remix this?" and Liz, being lovely and indulgent of my fannish whims, said, "Yes, please!" So I did.

I might have gotten a little carried away toward the end there. (I'm not sure at what point one goes from 'remix' to 'I ripped off your idea and had my way with it'. I figure if I write the sequel I have officially stepped over the line.) But in the end I just wrote this to make Liz happy. Because I'm a giver that way. Liz, I hope this lives up to expectation. You know I love you like crazy. The concept and some of the dialogue belong to cinderlily, all mistakes belong to me. 5267 words.

Warnings: Unrelenting schmoop? And shower porn. Because the one thing the original version was really missing? The shower porn. And since Liz doesn't write porn, I am happy to pick up the slack.

( Here's the truth: Puck hasn't really thought about Kurt since he left Ohio. )

series: diwwcf, fic: glee, glee, fic

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