in which I pretend my LJ is a Twitter account

Oct 19, 2009 15:22

Here is exactly the kind of thing you want to see in your inbox with the current object of your affection's name attached to it:

Subject: I thought of you when I saw this

And then the body of the e-mail is a link to a Funny Or Die video featuring Roman Polanski as a guest on To Catch a PredatorYeah. The romance is alive and well around here ( Read more... )


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Comments 16

severity_softly October 19 2009, 19:36:55 UTC
I've seen every episode, and have NO CLUE who Howard is.

OH! Wait, I just looked at imbd. The guy who used to work with Will's bitch wife? O.o


carolinecrane October 19 2009, 19:46:57 UTC
YES! Howard is the genius who coined the term 'Acafellas'. He deserves some props. I'm just saying.


writingpathways October 19 2009, 20:06:04 UTC
Oh Howard! Sniffle, is he still in jail for all the decongestant?


carolinecrane October 19 2009, 21:21:44 UTC
Who knows! There's no follow-up on any of the plots on this show.


writingpathways October 19 2009, 20:05:25 UTC
It's quirky romance. It's better that way I think :-)

Okay, I suck at Glee names -- who is Howard?


carolinecrane October 19 2009, 21:22:09 UTC
It's certainly more frustrating that way! Don't date a social retard. It's not good for your nerves.


writingpathways October 19 2009, 21:32:56 UTC
Well I guess we can hope if I ever get another relationship going I am the only social retard in it. Though, I have a feeling something will be wrong with the guy ;-)


sunfire1216 October 19 2009, 21:01:56 UTC
Ha ha ha. That's great.


carolinecrane October 19 2009, 21:23:59 UTC
I am glad it's amusing you guys, at least. I am headdesking quite a bit about the whole situation today, but it's my own fault for falling for a social retard.


rabidfan October 19 2009, 21:15:05 UTC
Well, at least he's thinking of you????

I've never seen "Glee". I don't even know what it is so I'm of no help in the Howard hunt, but I wish you well! your mood icon Willow??? I LOVE Willow, but I'd neveronpainofdeath tell anyone (even you) that.


carolinecrane October 19 2009, 21:21:10 UTC
For the love of God, why not? Willow rules. I own the DVD and I have watched it approximately one trillion times. I love that movie. I love Warwick Davis. I am unashamed.

Yes, at least he's thinking of me. I am going with that. For now.


rabidfan October 20 2009, 01:58:57 UTC
Warwick Davis was so young and cute in Willow. ::sigh:: I don't own it but I've still seen it nearly as often as you! (It played at the cheap theater in my neighborhood in Ireland for like two months and I saw it EVERY SINGLE DAY it played!! Ah, to be young again! It actually is my only memory of that summer in Ireland. True story.)


duckduck October 19 2009, 22:11:09 UTC
This is the wrong crowd to admit this, I guess, but I haven't seen Glee and I know I've seen Willow, like when I was younger, but I don't remember it at all. FAIL.

As for FWC, I'm going with rabidfan, at least he thought of you at all.

And now, since I'm pretending this comment is an email, I'm going to tell you that I'm going to return my mother's phone call and yell at her for the next hour. Or until she loses interest. Wish me luck.


carolinecrane October 27 2009, 21:46:24 UTC

Just kidding. Though if that e-mail I copied you on earlier blows up in my face, I will be up to hide on your couch, so I'll bring Willow with me. Willow and vodka, probably.


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