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Comments 20

kohaku1977 October 13 2009, 13:49:12 UTC
I love the pics!

What fandoms do you still write in? Because I will totally prompt you as soon as I know!


carolinecrane October 13 2009, 13:52:06 UTC
I'll write in any fandom I've previously written, really. I can't promise quality or anything, but I'll certainly give it a shot ;)


kohaku1977 October 13 2009, 14:00:24 UTC
Don't worry. :) I'll leave two, because I can't decide.

CSI, Nick/ Greg, doing it again

Bones, Hodgins/ Wendell, nervous

I hope one of those will work for you!


severity_softly October 13 2009, 14:02:06 UTC
You and your sister look so much alike! :)

I'd give you a prompt, but I'm sort of sick of Morgan/Reid, and I'm not sure we share other fandoms you'd be willing to write. :P


carolinecrane October 13 2009, 18:51:58 UTC
Oh, that's okay. I have plenty to work with! Begging helps ;) I owe you an e-mail. This week has been insane; sorry. I'll get there!

For a long time I couldn't see the resemblance between us at all, but now I do. We have the same eyes for sure.


sillie82 October 13 2009, 14:11:26 UTC
Awesome pictures. You and your sister really look alike. :D

A prompt... hmm...

CSI, Nick/Greg, "Would you stop moving around so much!"


carolinecrane October 13 2009, 18:52:16 UTC
Thanks! We do look alike, now that I've lost a lot of weight. Before, not so much.


duckduck October 13 2009, 14:58:40 UTC
I miss your face. So thanks for these. And you have the cutest family ever, but you know that, too.

I am woefully behind on tv too, but I will suggest Ryan/Esposito and the warm milk before bed. Or I would say Deadliest AU, first kisses. I don't know.


carolinecrane October 13 2009, 18:52:39 UTC
I DO know that! They are pretty cute, I have to say.


(The comment has been removed)

carolinecrane October 13 2009, 18:55:14 UTC
No, I'm sorry! You always ask, and then I never deliver. It's because I kind of suck and for some reason I can never think of anything to do with those two. But I will do it this time if it kills me. Promise.


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