maybe I'm too jaded to love someone like you

Oct 13, 2009 09:14

Me and my sister:

Me and my oldest nephew. I made him take a break from the Very Important Business of texting his lame friends to pose with me. He loved it:

Mia on a mission. She is Not Having the camera lately, so this is the best shot of her:

Zachary's not much for the camera right now either, but that's just because he wasn't feeling well on Sunday. He's smiling for once here, though:

So nobody came through for me with a download of Pomplamoose's cover of "September", which meant I had to get around to fixing my computer finally so I could do it myself. But because I'm such a wonderful person, I will share the link here, just in case you need things delivered directly to your friends list in order to realize their awesomeness:

Pomplamoose -- September

I figured out on the way to work this morning what I like so much about Pomplamoose; she sounds a lot like Beth Orton. Like, A LOT. Except she doesn't make me want to slit my wrists. Then again, I have been listening to The Weepies nonstop for two weeks now, so if I'm weepy it's my own damn fault.

Still no fannish content. I haven't written anything in ages, you guys. I have just been busy and distracted by RL and that's not on. So here's the deal: comment with a pairing/prompt and I will write you something. It might be long, it might be a few sentences, I can't say, but I will write something just for you. I have nothing but time today. Help a girl out.

requests, boring rl stuff, downloads, memes, picspam, music

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