further adventures in avoidance behavior

Jul 01, 2009 09:19

I am done feeling sorry for myself. No, honest. I think what I really need is a little respite from my neverending summer writing project which I don't even get to post until October, if I ever manage to finish the thing. Writing in a vacuum makes me a little crazy after awhile, which is why I never finish any original fiction ( Read more... )


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Comments 24

duckduck July 1 2009, 13:39:50 UTC
I wanted to do cliche bingo too, but discovered it after the deadline. Because I'm good like that.

Insomnia strikes AGAIN. I am presently making LOTS of STRONG coffee, because I have an early shift and I have THE SHAKES, I'm so tired. I hoe you're faring better than I am.


carolinecrane July 1 2009, 13:42:31 UTC
Yeah, I mean, we could just steal prompts from the cliche bingo, certainly, but it's not the same. Not even close. Kink bingo looks...challenging. Very challenging for a vanilla writer like me. So it could be good for me, but I wonder what else is around that I haven't heard about.

I am exhausted! And stuck on the desk first, so I'm sure I will be a little ray of sunshine to everyone who comes near me. I think after my shift I will make a beeline for the Starbucks. Can't afford it; don't care.


duckduck July 1 2009, 13:50:59 UTC
It's not the same at all! The challenge comes from the randomness of the prompts, imho, and their placement on the board. I haven't heard of any other bingos, but I'll let you know if I do.

I woke up hysterically weeping in the midle of the night because my mother was leaving my dad in a dream. For another man, even. The fuck, subconscious?


carolinecrane July 1 2009, 13:55:08 UTC
Huh. That is a hell of an anxiety dream. Sorry about that, it sounds awful.

Conversely, if I hear of any other bingos I will pass the intel along. Of course if I don't, you know I will totally sign up for kink bingo, then regret it.


sunfire1216 July 1 2009, 14:35:37 UTC
I always think that I should sign up for a challenge to have a deadline. Then I realize how crazy that is because I'd lose my mind knowing that people are going to see it. But then I never finish anything because no one is going to see it. It's a sick cycle.

Congrats on getting over yourself! I don't think that came out the way I meant it to. You know what I mean.

I just read Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea and I'm not very impressed. Comedians are not my thing. I'm not sure why I thought I should read it....


carolinecrane July 1 2009, 15:40:53 UTC
I picked that book up but she's just so self-involved it was too much to take. So I didn't read it. It got good press, too, maybe that's why you felt you should read it.

I do know what you mean! I am not really over myself, but I *say* that I am in the hopes that it will be true eventually.


sunfire1216 July 2 2009, 04:02:00 UTC
You aren't missing anything! I hope this teaches me not to listen to the masses and buy a hardback book just because they think it's good. Note to self - don't listen to Cosmo when they say something is good.

Although I had wanted it before just because I found the title amusing.

Ha! Well, good luck with it all.

I don't know why I've suddenly become so chatty - I suppose it's time to crawl off again and hide!


rabidfan July 1 2009, 14:58:17 UTC
I love Julia Child. I used to watch her show (in black and white) when I was little. It was on in Ireland and here in the states and was thus a comfort to me who felt displaced everytime we moved back and forth. I'm glad you like her too.


carolinecrane July 1 2009, 15:41:55 UTC
I never watched her, I guess because I'm just not that interested in cooking shows. (Sometimes I watch Nigella, but she's just hot.) Anyway, I enjoy Julia's life, if not her shows, so I'm glad to have discovered that.


rabidfan July 1 2009, 16:17:06 UTC
I'm a cooking show addict. Some people watch reality tv and I watch cooking shows...some of which are reality tv. My life is full of these cosmic cross-overs. I'm either real special or seriously messed up. I don't dwell on it.


carolinecrane July 1 2009, 16:20:42 UTC
I watch the Challenges (my sister and I watch the pastry challenges without the volume while we spin; it's a special kind of torture), Next Food Network Star, and Iron Chef America, though I prefer the original because the ingredients were way more interesting. Oh, and Chopped, though that one can be pretty lame.


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