further adventures in avoidance behavior

Jul 01, 2009 09:19

I am done feeling sorry for myself. No, honest. I think what I really need is a little respite from my neverending summer writing project which I don't even get to post until October, if I ever manage to finish the thing. Writing in a vacuum makes me a little crazy after awhile, which is why I never finish any original fiction.

So I was thinking this morning that maybe I just need to write some short fics that I can post, just to clear my head, you know? Which led to me poking around at the bingo challenges. I know I missed the deadline for the cliche bingo (more's the pity), and I know about kink bingo (can I write that much porn at work? I'm just not sure), but are there more that I'm missing? If you know of one, link me so I can check it out.

In non-writing news, I am currently reading My Life In France, which is Julia Child's posthumously published memoir about her years living in France with her husband Paul. It is really lovely. Not as good as going to France, but I'm enjoying her voice very much. I've never been a fan of French food, funnily enough, so I never paid Julia much attention (except for her pie crust recipes), but her voice is lovely and her eye for detail in remembering her youth was pretty amazing.

You know what sucks? Insomnia. I haven't been sleeping very well lately, and last night was no exception. NOT ON, body.

ETA: I went ahead and signed up for kink bingo. (Like anyone's surprised.) Sadly, however, there's a delay in issuing bingo cards, so I will have to wait around for prompts. Not as distracting as I'd hoped, then.


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