Ficlets: Brotherhood II, Sky High, My Bodyguard

Apr 12, 2008 00:02

I have been working on requests, I swear! To prove it I will post the three I've written so far. The rest will have to wait until after my crazy weekend, but I'm sure there will be plenty of time when I get back to work to do the rest.

I. Requested by writingpathways. This is a scene I've had floating around in my head for a long time, waiting for the right ( Read more... )

fic, fic: brotherhood ii, sky high, brotherhood, requests, fic: my bodyguard, my bodyguard, fic: sky high

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Comments 30

cinderlily April 12 2008, 04:56:10 UTC
You know, sometimes I get this weird feeling we are telepathically linked. Cause earlier today I had this sudden sad pang for fic that I could know before opening was going to be good and satisfying and then BOOM. You posted. Cause you RULE like that.

1) Oh Marcus. Marcus. It is such a sweet little fic, sad but then again I always feel sad for kids whose parents send them away for school.

2) OMG I WANT TO WATCH SKY HIGH AGAIN. (Seriously, you are the reason I have watched that movie almost every time.) But seriously, ooo battle flirting. I dig. :D

3) Um, I haven't seen the movie, but I loved the fic. Sweet and makes me think about beginning of relationships and I love those type of fics. :D


carolinecrane April 12 2008, 11:53:37 UTC
I watch Sky High whenever it comes on Disney and I feel like a dork the whole time, but good Lord. Warren really loves Will.

We watched My Bodyguard in Florida after you and the others left (well, I fell asleep). Maybe we'll have time to watch it in June. It is the slashiest, cheesiest movie of all time, starring Baby!Adam Baldwin. Come on.


minotaurs April 12 2008, 05:12:59 UTC
The first one's OK - though why would a family that can afford a maid worry about a 411 call? And the Will/Warren is sweet, but it's the 3rd one that really made me go "Awwwwwww". Clifford will never give up on Ricky, no matter what, Awwwwww...



carolinecrane April 12 2008, 11:45:16 UTC
Haha you are asking for logic from a DeCoteau movie. Marcus' parents suck and they don't love him and if he spent twenty of their cents it would be a big deal. I didn't write the screenplay, I just work with what the bad horror movies give me.


olukemi April 12 2008, 11:53:20 UTC
Marcus' parents suck and they don't love him and if he spent twenty of their cents it would be a big deal.

I totally buy that. I can also see his parents trying to put on a good show for their peers. Maid = absolute musthave for appearances, but god forbid someone should splurge on 411. XD


carolinecrane April 12 2008, 11:55:55 UTC
My general theory is that they throw money at him to make him disappear so they won't have to talk to him while he's away at school (allowance and all that) but once he's home they don't want to be reminded that he's been in their house, even with something as stupid as 411. Because they're control freaks. I'm not sure if my logic works or maybe I just wasn't thinking through it enough yesterday when I wrote that. I don't care that much, but yeah. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees Marcus' parents as the horrible abusers they are.

Poor, fictional baby.


bloody_american April 12 2008, 05:41:14 UTC
1 - Okay, so. You totally reminded me right there why I loved your Harlan/Marcus series. I always liked the way you wrote Marcus. :D

2 - Hm. I don't know why I've never watched this movie. But I think I need to. XD

3 - And yay, you wrote the My Bodyguard prompt! That was awesome because I always imagined that they'd go to college and be roomies and eventually, away from the hell that was life as a high school kid, fall madly, deeply in love. Or at least realize they were already in love. And you wrote that! Only, Ricky hasn't realized it yet. XD

Just so you know I really loved this bit:

Only he's pretty sure that would mean the end of...this. The end of his heart skipping a beat at the sound of Ricky's weary sigh, the end of watching fingers curve around his neck as he rubs away the day's tension.

Clifford really wants to reach out and do that for him.

It's the little moments with little touches and caresses that I love best because I am a closet romantic. :D


carolinecrane April 12 2008, 11:51:54 UTC
Ricky and Clifford love each other a lot, it would just take them a long time to get their acts together. Especially Ricky, because you know he's working to earn his keep during college and spending all his time worrying that he doesn't fit in. Poor Ricky.


writingpathways April 12 2008, 07:12:47 UTC
Eee! I love it. But now I of course want to see what happens when Marcus gets back and calls Harlan. :-)


carolinecrane April 12 2008, 11:50:47 UTC
Harlan drives back to school and they make out?

Yeah, you sort of got shortchanged in your request because a) I know the details of that universe but I never wrote most of them, and b) I didn't have a decent ending for the scene so it just ends. But I'm glad you liked it nonetheless : )


olukemi April 12 2008, 10:56:49 UTC
So much love for you! The Harlan/Marcus was so good. Marcus is adorable and I want to cuddle him. XD And the Warren/Will - wow. Really mashed my buttons. You do such amazing UST.




Guh. So hot! ♥!


carolinecrane April 12 2008, 11:49:39 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed. It was an excellent prompt and really, given someone with the attention span of more than a fruitfly (i.e. not me), it could be a really cool storyline. But the imagery was very nice!


olukemi April 12 2008, 11:56:15 UTC
I'm glad you could work with the prompt. I was afraid I might have left it too open-ended, but I'm adoring the results. XD

And I do still need to write that Sky High fic this summer. I am determined!

Speaking of Summer, are you still coming to New york? Because I just got the 2008 Season Ticket Info and Fang Guide magazine in the mail not too long ago. :D


carolinecrane April 12 2008, 12:03:19 UTC
I really, REALLY want to come this summer. I'm trying to figure out finances and whether or not it's realistic, but I'm going to try hard to make it work. My project for after I get through this miserable weekend is 'figure out how to spend my birthday in NYC for cheap'.


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