Ficlets: Brotherhood II, Sky High, My Bodyguard

Apr 12, 2008 00:02

I have been working on requests, I swear! To prove it I will post the three I've written so far. The rest will have to wait until after my crazy weekend, but I'm sure there will be plenty of time when I get back to work to do the rest.

I. Requested by writingpathways. This is a scene I've had floating around in my head for a long time, waiting for the right ( Read more... )

fic, fic: brotherhood ii, sky high, brotherhood, requests, fic: my bodyguard, my bodyguard, fic: sky high

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minotaurs April 12 2008, 05:12:59 UTC
The first one's OK - though why would a family that can afford a maid worry about a 411 call? And the Will/Warren is sweet, but it's the 3rd one that really made me go "Awwwwwww". Clifford will never give up on Ricky, no matter what, Awwwwww...



carolinecrane April 12 2008, 11:45:16 UTC
Haha you are asking for logic from a DeCoteau movie. Marcus' parents suck and they don't love him and if he spent twenty of their cents it would be a big deal. I didn't write the screenplay, I just work with what the bad horror movies give me.


olukemi April 12 2008, 11:53:20 UTC
Marcus' parents suck and they don't love him and if he spent twenty of their cents it would be a big deal.

I totally buy that. I can also see his parents trying to put on a good show for their peers. Maid = absolute musthave for appearances, but god forbid someone should splurge on 411. XD


carolinecrane April 12 2008, 11:55:55 UTC
My general theory is that they throw money at him to make him disappear so they won't have to talk to him while he's away at school (allowance and all that) but once he's home they don't want to be reminded that he's been in their house, even with something as stupid as 411. Because they're control freaks. I'm not sure if my logic works or maybe I just wasn't thinking through it enough yesterday when I wrote that. I don't care that much, but yeah. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees Marcus' parents as the horrible abusers they are.

Poor, fictional baby.


olukemi April 12 2008, 11:57:39 UTC
Hey, that makes far more horrible sense than my theory. Gah. They're not real, but I hate them so much. >.o


carolinecrane April 12 2008, 12:04:21 UTC
Oh, don't get me wrong, I completely agree also about his parents being all about appearances. That's where the church group thing comes in, and of course Marcus' private school, but that's explained in the movie (as much as anything is ever explained in that crappy movie -- I totally need to watch it again).


olukemi April 12 2008, 12:08:48 UTC
You're not the only one who needs to watch it again. I've had a strange hankering for it for the last month or so now. Hell if I know why. XD


minotaurs April 15 2008, 03:12:10 UTC
That's actually from the movie? Oh, man - he really is just not all there, is he? [grin] Luckily, he's got us to clean up after him, and give his characters some good lines.


carolinecrane April 17 2008, 01:40:12 UTC
That exact detail isn't from the movie; just the thing about Marcus' parents being more concerned about their image than about him, and how much they don't love him. So my interpretation of that might not work for everyone, but yeah. It's very much a 'haves vs. have-nots' story, Brotherhood II. A really poorly written one, of course.


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