Fic: (Brotherhood II, Harlan/Marcus, PG)

Dec 06, 2007 07:13

Today's offering combines one of my favorite pairings with one of my favorite Christmas songs. The two are otherwise unrelated, but that's okay. Maybe anyone who might be interested already has the soundtrack to A Charlie Brown Christmas, but just in case you don't, today I give you a non-traditional Christmas song from that album. For my fic ( Read more... )

series: aftermath, advent calendar, fic, fic: brotherhood ii, music, brotherhood

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Comments 22

sunfire1216 December 6 2007, 13:11:20 UTC
*Loves* That was wonderful.


carolinecrane December 6 2007, 14:52:57 UTC
Thanks : )


farferello December 6 2007, 14:16:21 UTC
Aww, that was wonderful. :D I like how even though Harlan didn't understand it he still knew how important it'd be to Marcus. XD


carolinecrane December 6 2007, 14:52:44 UTC
That's what staying together is all about, right? Not getting it but doing it anyway because it's important to the other person. Not like I'd *know* or anything. Thanks!


rabidfan December 6 2007, 14:48:14 UTC
Yea, I don't know anything about THIS one either.

It's a good thing all the glyphs were made up...or there could have been real trouble in paradise.


carolinecrane December 6 2007, 14:51:13 UTC
I've done everything I could to school my friends list on this pairing. Oh, wait, I was supposed to copy this movie for you, wasn't I? Did I say I would and then forget? Because that is totally like me.

Anyway, yes, there will be no 'magic ring turns evil and wreaks havoc' follow-up. My boys have been through enough badly plotted demonic drama. ::pets them::


rabidfan December 6 2007, 23:31:03 UTC
You may have mentioned copying the movie but honestly? I couldn't say for sure. The brain? It is broke.

By the way...nothing but nothing says holiday better than "A Charlie Brown Christmas". It is required (along with every version of "Scrooge" available) to make my Yule Tide bright.


duckduck December 6 2007, 15:16:42 UTC

You make lj awesome.


carolinecrane December 6 2007, 15:58:53 UTC


singing_sands December 6 2007, 15:28:09 UTC
Oh, my favorite Harlan/Marcus. Thank you for sharing!


carolinecrane December 6 2007, 15:59:09 UTC
Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed.


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