and the slashy horror spam continues

Nov 13, 2007 12:16

I think at this point the only thing Heroes could do to renew my interest is ( spoiler cut. )


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Comments 6

writingpathways November 13 2007, 20:15:25 UTC
Heroes is pretty awful this year. It's just, choppy and the storytelling isn't smooth at all. To me it's weird because it feels like nothing happens every week yet the storytelling feels rushed.


carolinecrane November 13 2007, 20:21:57 UTC
That is a pretty apt description, I have to say. Though reading some recent press with Tim Kring, I think they've realized they added too many new characters. So hopefully when it comes back they'll fix it, but I'm not really excited for it or anything.


writingpathways November 13 2007, 20:34:20 UTC
I meant to mention Kring admitting he screwed up. I was happy to hear that, though I think it gave me too much hope for last night episode. So I was even more disappointed. Yeah, I'm not going to miss Heroes when they run out of episodes.


minotaurs November 13 2007, 21:41:28 UTC
Don't be too embarassed about the cat shaving - you're not alone. My monster has the same problem.


ci5rod November 14 2007, 00:54:55 UTC
Oh, I so love The Brotherhood. I even kind of like how much of a tool Chris comes over as, because it makes Dan all the cuter.

Not that I'll say no to Marcus and Harlan, mind you :-)


carolinecrane November 14 2007, 02:43:34 UTC
Dan! Dan is the cutest thing ever. I love him a lot and really, he deserves a better boyfriend than Chris.


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