and the slashy horror spam continues

Nov 13, 2007 12:16

I think at this point the only thing Heroes could do to renew my interest is send Hiro or Peter back in time to un-kill D.L. Because seriously, there is nothing else I care about on this show anymore. Not even My Two Dads, I'm sad to say. And I don't really mind Kristen Bell as an actress, but boy, does she ever suck on this show.

Things I did not get done this weekend: Shaving the knots off my cat and yardwork. Or working out, really. Oh, and I didn't write anything, though I did stare at the screen for awhile. I feel worst about the cat, but I've been putting off dealing with it because she hates it and so do I. It's easier if there's someone to help hold her down, but I am too embarrassed about what a bad cat owner I am to ask my sister to come over and help me. I am lame! True story.

Anyway, I uploaded some more clips from DeCoteau movies, since the Brotherhood II clips seemed kind of popular. I can tell you, thanks to the stats on my Youtube page, that the locker room scene is the most watched clip I uploaded by over 100%. Proving that y'all are disturbingly pervy, which is why I like you.

Okay, only The Brotherhood so far, but I'll try to find time for some Leeches and maybe The Frightening. It's a surprisingly good movie, though I don't know if clips will hold up out of context.

Anyway, if you've ever wondered why my default icon is so often a picture of some actor you've never seen before, you only have to watch these clips to discover why. He's terrible and slashy and he embodies pretty much everything in this world that brings me joy. Except hot girls, who also bring me joy, but Bradley Stryker does not embody any of them. There are also my two favorite scenes from Another Gay Movie, only because I couldn't find them on Youtube and I love them. Here's the gayest scene from The Brotherhood:

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And here's Devon (Bradley Stryker) lusting after Chris (Sam Page/Nathan Watkins). The boy in the blue shirt with the unfortunately spikey hair, incidentally, is Forrest Cochran, who played Luc in Brotherhood II.

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And the cutest scene from Another Gay Movie, which has boykissing in case that's considered non-worksafe where you are:

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That never fails to make me smile, even when I'm at my crabbiest. Which is pretty crabby, let me tell you.

The rest of the videos are here, if you're interested. There's another Brotherhood clip (Dan/Chris this time) and another scene from AGM. The Brotherhood is arguably gayer than Brotherhood II, but I find the latter more charming somehow. Probably because Nathan Watkins/Sam Page/whatever he's calling himself now comes off as kind of a tool in the first movie. Though I will always love him for Easter Egg Hiding Tips:

That will never stop being funny.

My job gives me a headache. And that's all I've got.


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