Because pimping is more fun than cleaning.

Nov 10, 2007 14:46

This post is the product of two things: The writers' strike and a new addition to my friends list.

Last week before the writers went on strike, I pointed a new Harlan/Marcus fan toward an old post I wrote pimping them. Only the picture links didn't work anymore, since they were housed on, and I never bothered to move them. So singing_sands very graciously said, "I wish the pictures were still there, but thank you for the link all the same" instead of what she should have said, which is "This post is totally worthless without the pictures, you lamer". Well, it's true. So I have been thinking since then that I need to replace the screencap links with working images, but I haven't had the time.

But then the writers went on strike, and I thought to myself, "Self, if we are ever going to get the last hold-outs on our friends list to watch Brotherhood II, now is the time." So without further adieu, I give you the Big Post of Harlan/Marcus Pimping. With vids and downloads and pictures and fic. You're welcome.

Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks is arguably one of the worst movies you will ever see. It's not as bad as some of the crap director David DeCoteau has come up with (and really, he's just phoning it in these days), but it's pretty bad. The acting is not terrific (to be kind), the plot is flimsy at best, and the production quality...well, watch the vids and you'll see just how high it isn't. But DeCoteau is gay, and he likes to ogle boys in boxer briefs while they touch each other, and I'm never going to argue with that. This movie delivers boytouching in spades, and it also delivered to me one of my favorite pairings of all time, Harlan/Marcus.

I've talked about this movie for years now, and I realize that continuing to talk about it isn't going to convince you to watch. So this time, I come armed with embedded youtube vids. You don't even have to watch the whole movie this way, because I've uploaded the best parts for you. It's win-win, really.


This is Harlan.

And this is Marcus.

They're in looooooove.

The screencaps have been replaced in this post, so if you want the visual tour with the meta, you're welcome to it. But if you just want to see what I've been on about all these years, now's your chance. (I really do apologize for the quality of these vids, but getting them small enough to put on youtube sort of killed whatever dubious 'quality' there was to begin with. Better than nothing, I suppose.)

I am sad to report that Netflix does not carry Brotherhood II. Nor does Blockbuster Online. You can buy it from Amazon Marketplace if you really like it (and you don't even have to wait until after the writers' strike, since you can't get it new), or you can just steal it right from this very post. But first, some clips I posted on youtube.

Here's the first 2:22 of the movie, in which John introduces all the characters with his annoying voice-over:

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I am still annoyed by the fact that Sean Faris' career has been so much more successful than C.J. Thomason's, and I will never get over it.

And this is my favorite scene from the movie, the one in which a) Marcus tries to become one of the cool kids by stalking them (as you do), and b) Harlan flirts with him:

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The preceding scene leads into this one, which is the scene, of course, where Harlan and his friends haze Marcus in a fairly traumatic way. It's kind of painful to watch, to be honest, though it illustrates just how far gone Marcus is on Harlan that he would fall for such an obvious trick:

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I spend a lot of time on this in my fic, I guess. No one can accuse me of not being thorough.

All the interesting parts of this movie happen right in a row, because the locker room scene leads right into the gayest scene in the film, which is, of course, Our Heroes splashing around mostly naked in a pool with their new demonic friend:

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ETA: And one more scene, because it's so slashy I can't resist. Also, the way Noah Frank (Harlan) talks just cracks me up so much. He does softcore these days and if I ever find Bikini Airways again I will upload it for you. It's TERRIBLE.

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And if that's not enough for you, why not download the whole movie? This link has expired, but if you really want to download the whole thing, let me know and I'll re-upload. This is the file I converted for my iPod (shut up), so it's MP4. It plays fine in VLC or Quicktime. I don't make any guarantees about WMP, but you should be using VLC anyway. It's a free download you can get here, and it can handle anything. Plus it does screencaps. Sweet. Also, this is the only format small enough to upload to Sendspace without breaking the movie up into parts, and I'm not that committed.

Fannish Products:

There is, as far as I know, one fanvid for Brotherhood II on the whole of the interweb. But it's the perfect fanvid, so I'm okay with that. It not only gives a wonderful pictorial overview of the film, but it captures the silliness of plot in the best way possible. Plus, everybody's gay! I love it when that happens. kevinkr created it and kindly gave me permission to post it on Youtube for your viewing pleasure:

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There was a Harlan/Marcus soundtrack created by yours truly, but it appears that I've lost all traces of it, which is sad, because I think it really worked for them. Oh, well. Maybe I'll get around to making a new one someday. Though if anyone still has the track list for the first CD, let me know and I'll upload the songs again.

And lastly, fic. There's plenty of fic, most of which was written by me. You can find the entire Aftermath Universe, as well as a stand-alone Marcus/Matt fic, on my web site. There's the start of another series there as well, but I doubt I will ever work on that one again so I should really just take it down. In addition to the fics posted on my archive, there are ficlets all over my journal. Check out my brotherhood tag for more in the Aftermath universe, mostly, though you'll have to wade through stuff about the other Brotherhood movies to get there. Still, it's mostly Harlan/Marcus, because I love them best of all.

There's also that one random RPS fic I wrote in this fandom, if you're into that sort of thing. It's Forrest/C.J. (Luc/Marcus), because those two had chemistry that was pretty undeniable.

I'm not the only one who's written Brotherhood II fic, however. There's foggynite's Into the Desert, which is a very strange Luc/John AU. Also from foggynite is Never Knew Paradise (Harlan/Marcus).

nekosmuse wrote Claiming Of Souls, which is Luc/John with some mentions of Harlan/Marcus.

And I hesitate to link to this because it's unfinished, but I was really enjoying it while we were writing it, so I'll go ahead and mention that for awhile nekosmuse and I were cowriting a Brotherhood II AU. You can find it at demonverse, though it's maybe a bit cumbersome to wade through that way. Neko left fandom behind a long while ago, but I need to ask her if she cares if I finish at least the Harlan/Marcus part of that fic on my own. Right after I finish all the other stuff I'm not writing. Anyway, if you're really jonesing for more Harlan/Marcus (including revisionist fanon!), you can find it there. PS: I totally dropped the ball on that project, just for the record. I just can't cowrite, and I've learned my lesson.

And there we have it, everything you ever wanted to know about my favorite bad movie ever. But if you still have questions, you know where to find me. Harlan/Marcus is my favorite subject, after all.

Second full movie upload: Download here.

recs, downloads, brotherhood

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