Fic: All the Way To Paris 24/29 (CSI, Nick/Greg, NC17)

Jan 14, 2004 21:47

It appears I have a four-day weekend on my hands (starting Friday, unfortunately, not tomorrow). I'm determined not to waste this extra-long weekend the way I wasted the last one, and therefore I have a list of things I am planning to accomplish:

  1. Fic -- the angst fic is top priority, but Tyler makes me happy so I might give him a little ( Read more... )

fic: csi, csi, series: paris, fic

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Comments 11

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carolinecrane January 15 2004, 07:36:47 UTC
Well thank you, and I'm very relieved to hear it, because that's just what I was going for but of course one can never tell if they're pulling off what they intend to. So yay, that makes me feel better about the next chapter looming mercilessly over me. I'm going to have to write fluff first. Possibly Nick/Greg season two fluff. We'll see.


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carolinecrane January 15 2004, 07:59:14 UTC
my heart would be broken forever

Heh. No pressure. Although I know how it ends, so there really is no pressure. It's getting there that always kicks my ass.

Sorry about the RPS. I'm still not writing any, but I am writing that season two fluff that misssimm requested, so maybe I'll have some pre-slash TV Subtext Theater to post later. We'll see how the writing goes, since I have four more hours of work and Lord knows what they'll come up with to keep me busy.


stareyednight January 14 2004, 21:31:55 UTC
Aww. My heart is just clenching when I read this because it's so sweet and... well, angsty is coming to mind. You can feel Nick's desperation through everything and not knowing what Greg is thinking makes it even more agonizing.



carolinecrane January 15 2004, 07:37:27 UTC
Angsty is good. Angsty is the point. Heh. This whole thing was just an experiment to see if I could still pull off romantic angst, so I'm very pleased to hear it.


sparktastic January 15 2004, 02:29:59 UTC

So achy, so pretty, understated and hot and wonderful all together.

The spaces between the words just ache, even while the words speak of love.

Wonderful installment, Caroline.


carolinecrane January 15 2004, 07:37:56 UTC
Thanks, I'm really glad (and relieved) to hear it. I worry, you know.


mindyfromohio January 15 2004, 08:39:24 UTC
I don't even know what to say, I loved this so much.

I'm just still in awe of your ability not so much to write the porn, but to put the boys' *feelings* into words. That ain't easy and you do it so well.

(and thanks for the icon -- I kept forgetting to upload it)


carolinecrane January 15 2004, 11:05:34 UTC
You're welcome -- that picture of them still cracks me up every time. And I'm glad you liked the chapter -- writing feelings is sometimes a chore, but it had to be done.


coffeewordangel January 17 2004, 12:38:24 UTC
Oh I hate reviewing after everyone else. There's nothing left to say!! *pouts* This is beautiful and painful and perfectly, achingly angsty. bravo.


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