Fic: All the Way To Paris 24/29 (CSI, Nick/Greg, NC17)

Jan 14, 2004 21:47

It appears I have a four-day weekend on my hands (starting Friday, unfortunately, not tomorrow). I'm determined not to waste this extra-long weekend the way I wasted the last one, and therefore I have a list of things I am planning to accomplish:

  1. Fic -- the angst fic is top priority, but Tyler makes me happy so I might give him a little attention too. Also, possibly, the sequel to the 24 fic that no one has read. But first I should really work some more on the Forsaken sequel which is actually still kind of a Christmas fic, seeing as Christmas is over and all.
  2. Beta ci5rod's Brotherhood fic
  3. Make icons for wirrrn (I'm not ignoring you, I swear)
  4. Copy and mail CDs to writingpathways
  5. Catch up on some of my ridiculous amounts of neglected e-mail
  6. Sleep. This is very important and therefore must be put on the list.
Do I owe anybody anything else? I don't think I do, but if I'm mistaken please remind me. There are so many fics I want to be writing right now, none of them the one that I should be working on. Seriously, it's like pulling teeth to get this thing moving, and I have no idea why. But I'm determined, so I'm soldiering through and if it sucks irredeemably I'll just have to fix it in the edit. You can stop laughing now.

Anyway. Fic. I kind of hate this, so I probably won't be too offended if you're not reading it anymore. I know I said porn, but I don't think this really qualifies. I tried, but the story and my brain were working against me. Either that or I'm just not in a very smutty mood. I'm also having a ridiculously bad time spelling today. I have no idea why, as I am generally a pretty good speller. So any mistakes I didn't catch I'm sure I'll notice eventually.

Nick’s hands slid down Greg's back, thumbs pressing along either side of his spine until he found that spot that made Greg gasp and arch back into his touch. His mouth followed the path of his hands, soft kisses followed by gentle nips that made Greg shudder against him. He was taking his time, methodically mapping every inch of Greg, and he’d never admit it, but they both knew exactly what he was doing.

He didn’t want to believe that this was it, that he’d never get another chance to touch Greg or kiss him or even say those words he hadn’t said to anyone since college. Neither of them wanted to admit that this might be the last time, but still Nick was committing every touch, every breath and every contented murmur to memory. He just wanted to hold on to these few days together because he didn't know when it would happen again. It didn't mean this was the end, but he'd used up all his vacation time and if Greg wouldn't come to Vegas it might be awhile before they saw each other.

It wasn't the end of anything -- Nick didn't want it to be, and he knew Greg didn't either. If he did Nick wouldn't be in his bed right now, kissing a hot trail down the side of his hip. He was the one who'd called Nick, after all, when Nick had finally decided to take a hint and give up on Greg entirely. And maybe he would have changed his mind eventually and called Greg himself, but he hadn't and that meant something. It meant Greg wanted this as much as Nick did, that he didn't want to let it go no matter how hard it was to work out the logistics.

They hadn't talked about it since their conversation in the diner. They hadn't talked about much of anything since they made it back to Greg's apartment, not about what they were doing or where they went from here or even what to do with the rest of their time together. It was Sunday night already and they'd barely gotten out of bed all day -- they hadn't talked about that either, but they both knew Nick would be going home tomorrow and somehow they'd agreed not to waste any time without ever saying it out loud.

His hand slid between Greg's thighs, thumb stroking the taut skin just behind Greg's balls. Greg gasped and splayed his legs apart, pushing his hips up until Nick's thumb pressed inside him. And that wasn't the sign of somebody who didn't want this, of someone who was just biding his time until Nick was out of his life. No, this was Greg wanting him -- wanting Nick and nobody else. He'd already admitted that he wasn't seeing anybody else, and Nick wanted that to mean that there was still a chance he'd change his mind about Vegas.

He wanted to believe a lot of things -- that Greg loved him too, that this thing between them meant more to him than his pride. He wanted to believe that Greg would change his mind eventually, and yeah, maybe he was just waiting for the day that Greg would decide he couldn't live without Nick. Nick didn't really think that was so much to ask, especially when he already knew he didn't want to live without Greg.

Greg shifted under him and let out a low moan, pushing back against his hand hard enough to get Nick's attention. Nick knew what he was asking for, but he wanted to make it last as long as he could. He wanted to draw this out all night if possible, or maybe just make Greg want it so much that he was begging by the time Nick finally slid inside him. That thought made his cock twitch, but he ignored his own need and pulled his hand away from Greg, leaning over him to press his mouth to the side of Greg's neck.

He licked a path along hot skin, pausing to press another kiss to the top of Greg's shoulder before he moved down his back. It had taken him awhile during that first weekend to get used to the sight of Greg's scars; he'd spent too much time tracing them with his fingers, reassuring himself over and over that Greg was fine. Now they were just another part of Greg, just something else for Nick to remember when he was on the plane headed home.

His heart caught in his throat at the thought, but he swallowed hard and did his best to ignore it, focusing all his attention on the warm expanse of skin underneath him. He'd never get tired of watching Greg shift restlessly under his touch, always pressing back for more even when Nick's hands gripped his hips to hold him to the mattress. He loved just watching Greg move -- he never realized just how much until he couldn't see Greg every day at work, and now that he'd seen Greg like this he couldn't imagine going back to not knowing.

It was impossible, because even if he wanted to forget he knew he wouldn't be able to. No matter what Greg decided Nick wasn't going to stop wanting him, wanting him around and wondering what he could have done to keep things from getting this far out of control. He wasn't really blaming himself -- not anymore -- but he couldn't stop himself from feeling sort of...helpless. It should have been easy to fix their problems, but so far Greg had shot down every idea Nick came up with, and he wasn't sure what else to do.

Greg shifted under him again, pushing back and then turning in Nick's grip until they were face to face. Just for a second Nick could see everything Greg hadn't said in his eyes, then he reached up and pulled Nick down for a hard kiss, and Nick could feel what he wasn't saying.

"Love you," he murmured against Greg's mouth, the sound lost in the kiss as Greg rocked up against him, hands gripping him hard enough to bruise as he struggled to pull Nick closer. And just like that all his plans to take it slow were forgotten; it was all he could do to hold on long enough to reach for a condom before he was kneeling between Greg's legs, hands under his hips to line them up before he slid inside. He'd lost count of how many times they'd done this, but he still had to struggle to catch his breath when Greg's legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him in even further.

He choked back a harsh moan and started moving, hands braced against the mattress on either side of Greg's chest. Greg surged up to meet each thrust, his head back and his lips parted and God, Nick was never going to be able to leave. He couldn't get on that plane knowing that as soon as he was gone Greg would start looking for ways to talk himself out of this. He couldn't just leave, not when they hadn't really settled anything.

So far all they'd really proven was that they were compatible in bed, and that didn't prove that they'd be good together for the long haul. It felt like enough, though, and Nick knew plenty of people who'd based relationships on a lot less. He couldn't remember ever wanting something to work as much as he wanted this, anyway, and that had to count for something.

Way too soon he was panting and thrusting harder, Greg's voice in his ear urging him to move faster and faster until all he could hear was the blood pounding against his eardrums. He wasn't sure which of them lost control first, but when he tensed and buried himself deep inside Greg he felt wet heat hit his chest and then Greg's arms on his back to pull him close. He turned his face into Greg's neck, pressing breathless, almost desperate kisses to sweat-slick skin.

A hand slid through his hair, tightening just enough to pull him up until he was facing Greg. For a second he thought Greg might actually say some of the things he'd been avoiding since yesterday, but a second later he surged up to press their lips together again. Nick told himself it was okay. He didn't need to hear the words -- he already knew how Greg felt, and hearing it out loud wouldn't really make a difference.

"I'm not giving up," he said when Greg let him up for air. As soon as he said it he wondered if he was pushing too hard again, but they didn't have much time left and he couldn't go home without something.

"I know." Nick expected him to sound annoyed, maybe even a little angry, but instead Greg just sounded resigned. "I know how stubborn you are."

Nick grinned at that, reaching up to push a few damp strands of hair away from Greg's forehead. "You make that sound like a bad thing."

"Well it can get kind of annoying," Greg answered, the corners of his mouth twitching with a barely suppressed grin, "but I've had a few years to get used to it."

Nick rolled his eyes and shifted until he was lying on his side next to Greg, their shoulders pressed together and the mess on his stomach starting to dry. He knew he should get up and wash up a little, but the last thing he wanted to do was get out of Greg's bed. "I thought it was part of my charm."

"Depends who you ask."

He glanced over to find Greg smiling, all traces of tension gone for the first time since Nick got off the plane. His heart clenched hard in his chest and for a second he couldn't move -- he couldn't speak or do anything, then Greg leaned in and kissed him again and suddenly it didn't matter if he never remembered how to breathe. This was all he needed, right here in this crappy apartment in a city he'd barely even seen. He just had to find a way to make Greg see it too.

fic: csi, csi, series: paris, fic

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