A fic and some snippets

Sep 14, 2003 17:32

I wonder why it is that when I have nothing to do and no one around compelling me to be a useful member of society, I find that I can't write anything. It's a struggle just to string enough words together for one sentence on days like this. Could be PMS, I suppose. But whatever the reason, I think I'd really rather just waste the entire day watching more horror movies.

Therefore it took me several hours longer than it should have to get this written, but it's finally done. Transition is, as always, a bitch to write, and when it's Brett it's even harder. Well worth it, though, especially considering how much more I love this series now that I've finally figured out where it's going. I always knew how it would end, but I never had a clear reason for the ending until a couple days ago. So that's exciting. Anyway, fic:

Title: Among the Breakage
Fandom: Suicide Kings
Rating: PG13
Summary: Part 7 of the Fairytale Endings series. The worst thing Avery could do is not keep his word.

Also, as an added bonus, a couple DMOC snippets I threw together this afternoon to cheer someone up. I'm sure she won't mind if I whore myself out share them with everyone else.

There were times when Josh wished Cooper wasn't quite so...enthusiastic. Like the time he came home and found their entire room converted into Cooper's idea of a night club. Actually, that one happened more often than he really wanted to think about.

A normal person would have requested a room transfer by now, especially considering how much homework he didn't get done whenever Cooper was on a mission. Then there was the fact that he actually worked in the housing office, so a room transfer would have taken him about five minutes' worth of paperwork.

He'd considered it a few times, especially in the beginning. But whenever he was at his wit's end, Cooper would always do something to remind him of why he stayed. Like show up after Josh's class just to walk him back to the dorm. Or give him a backrub because he 'looked stressed'. Or catch his arm in the middle of one of his impromptu parties, drag him into the bathroom, and press him up against the door to kiss him until he couldn't remember anymore why he was so mad.

He knew Cooper knew exactly what he was doing, but it was hard to mind when he considered the benefits.

"You know I'm right," she'd said, giving him that superior little smile that always made him want to shake her. It wasn't that he didn't like her; it wasn't even that he thought she was wrong. Mostly it was just that he didn't want to believe it, because believing it meant he had to do something about it. And this was a big deal -- a bigger deal than anything that had ever happened to him before, the kind of thing he'd always figured wouldn't ever happen to someone like him.

"You're both so obvious. Everybody can see it. I didn't want to, but I guess the joke's on me, huh?" Her smile was sad that time, and that made it easier for him to feel sorry for her. He knew it wasn't fair to her, but the fact that she was being so cool about it meant she'd be okay eventually. At least he hoped it did; maybe she was just waiting until he couldn't see to fall apart, but that was just another thing to be grateful for.

"I'm not saying you're wrong," he'd answered, "I just don't know what you want me to do about it."

"Just tell him." Like that was so easy; like he could just walk up to his best friend and say 'oh, by the way, I'm in love with you'. She made it sound pretty simple, though, and she made it sound like it would actually work. "Trust me, he wants you to."

So he'd taken her advice, and now he was standing outside the room they'd shared for six months. His hands were shaking for the first time in his life, and he knew any second now he was going to pass out. He'd never felt like this before; not after a bad trip, not even the first time he got drunk. He felt like he was going to throw up, or possibly start running and never, ever stop.

Then a hand landed on his shoulder and instantly he felt a little calmer, which was pretty funny considering he recognized the touch before he even turned around to look at his roommate.

"Hey, Coop," Josh said, frowning at Cooper's uncharacteristically terrified expression, "what's up? Rachel said you were looking for me."

"Yeah," Cooper said, and when Josh's fingers squeezed his shoulder a little before letting go Cooper knew Rachel had been right all along. "There's something I have to tell you."

dmoc, fic: dmoc, fic

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