Fic: Other Shores (DMOC, Josh/Cooper, NC17)

Sep 17, 2003 17:33

So earlier I asked for suggestions for some stand-alone smut to cheer me up. cloudsurfing requested Josh/Cooper, and I decided to make it the sequel to Lips Like Sugar (you know, the candy cane fic). It's NC17 and awfully romantic, but if you've ever read anything by me you know that's clearly inevitable.

Josh breathed a sigh of relief when he finally made it through the crowds of students hanging out in the halls, closing his dorm room door against the noise. It was the first time he'd ever looked forward to the end of vacation before, and that had everything to do with Cooper. Three days before the end of Fall semester Cooper had done a 180 on him, going in one afternoon from Josh's womanizing roommate to Josh's...boyfriend, maybe? He wasn't sure yet; they hadn't talked about any of it, not that there had been much time for talking between all the sex.

He still blushed just thinking the word, and he knew as soon as Cooper got back he'd be blushing even more. That was, if Cooper hadn't decided while he was home for Christmas that this was all a big mistake, that he didn't really want Josh after all. Or maybe he'd just been screwing around, blowing off steam brought on by the pressure of finals and pulling off decent enough grades to keep his father off his back.

Josh had been alternating for the past three weeks between a near-constant blush and a nagging worry that Cooper hadn't really meant any of it. It wasn't like he'd ever shown himself to be big on commitment; in fact, the three days they'd been together before they both left for home was the longest Josh had seen Cooper with anybody during the entire time they'd known each other. He'd spent most of break trying to convince himself that that was a good sign, but in the end he had to admit that it was probably more a matter of convenience than anything.

The craziest part of all wasn't that Cooper had seduced him, or even that Josh had gone along with it without so much as asking for an explanation. It wasn't because Josh had never acted on his attraction to guys before Cooper kissed him that first time, and it wasn't even that they were friends. Best friends, and Josh wasn't naïve enough to think they could just go back to being friends like nothing ever happened. He couldn't, anyway, because no matter how hard he tried he'd never get the image of Cooper and that candy cane out of his head.

And that was the strange part; Cooper using holiday cheer to seduce him, going from Josh's sometimes-annoying and usually unsentimental best friend to some kind of whacko Martha Stewart, complete with Christmas decorations. Then again, it was a lot easier to believe that Cooper was the sentimental type now that Josh had kissed him, now that he'd watched his best friend sleeping from close up and heard that little sigh in his ear when Cooper came. He'd heard Cooper have sex before; he didn't bring girls back to their room with anywhere near the regularity that he had that first semester, but that wasn't the kind of thing Josh was likely to forget. Especially not when he'd always assumed that was the closest he'd ever get to actual sex with Cooper.

He couldn't have been more wrong, and now that they'd actually had sex he really wanted to keep having it, as often as possible, and possibly to the detriment of his GPA. Not that he really expected it to come to that, but he already knew from three days of bliss and then three weeks of nerve-wracking separation that he could easily get addicted to Cooper.

He'd had to talk himself out of calling his roommate at least twice a day while he was home, partly because he was afraid Cooper would blow him off and partly because he was afraid of what his mom would say when she got the phone bill. If he knew where they stood he might have been brave enough to call collect, but they hadn't said much of anything before they left except 'see you in a few weeks' and then one last, breathless kiss up against their bedroom door before Cooper left him alone.

That moment had been replaying in a constant loop in his head for the past three weeks, and he wished he had the courage to reenact it when Cooper walked through the door. He knew he never would, because if Cooper had just been blowing off steam Josh wasn't going to humiliate himself by reaching for something he couldn't have. And the longer he waited for Cooper to walk through that door, the harder it was to believe he could have what he wanted.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been wandering aimlessly around the room, pretending to unpack, when the door finally opened. He didn't look up right away; his stomach was doing somersaults and he knew if he turned around too fast he'd probably do something stupid like trip over himself or throw up on his shoes. Instead he took his time folding the sweater his mother had given him for Christmas, setting it on his bed with more care than was really necessary before he straightened up and turned around.

Cooper was standing just inside the door, his suitcase on the floor next to him and his coat still buttoned against the cold outside. When their eyes met he grinned, reaching up to work open the buttons on his coat as he watched Josh. "Nice. Christmas present?"

Josh glanced down at his bed, his cheeks coloring slightly at the sight of brightly colored wool. "Yeah. My mom...she's into practical gifts."

And God, could he sound like more of a dork? Cooper's family had so much money he could have gotten a car every year for his birthday and Christmas, there was no way he'd ever understand what it was like to have to think about things like staying warm and stretching a paycheck far enough to put food on the table. Then again, Cooper never worried about anything, so it wasn't really all that surprising that he'd make fun of Josh's fashion sense.

When he looked up again Cooper's coat was off, folded neatly and draped over his desk chair. He hadn't even seen Cooper move, but suddenly the other boy was standing right in front of him, the chill from outside still clinging to his skin and making Josh shudder. At least he told himself it was because he could feel the winter air radiating off Cooper; it wasn't because his roommate was suddenly so close, not when they'd been a lot closer than this just a few weeks ago.

"You missed me," Cooper said, his smile not betraying even a hint of what he was thinking. It wasn't even a question; just a simple statement of fact, and the worst part was that Josh couldn't deny it. He wanted to smack the smug expression off Cooper's face, or maybe just kiss it away, but that would just prove him right and that was the last thing Josh wanted. What he really wanted was to know where they stood, if there was a 'them' now or if Cooper was just going to pretend those three days during finals never happened.

He opened his mouth to answer, to say something caustic or maybe remind Cooper that it hadn't really been that long since they saw each other, but before he even figured out what he was going to say Cooper's mouth was pressed against his, his lips parted and his tongue tracing Josh's bottom lip. And okay, that was a good sign. At least Cooper wasn't bored with him yet, wasn't planning to pretend they'd never slept together. Not that Josh thought he'd ever be able to pretend he'd never had his best friend's dick in his mouth, but he knew if anybody could it was Cooper.

Cooper whose hands were everywhere, moving down Josh's chest over his t-shirt and under to tug at the waistband of his jeans. His mouth moved insistently against Josh's, hard enough to bruise as he moved them backwards toward Josh's bed. He seemed to be in a hurry suddenly, and Josh stumbled and grabbed Cooper's shoulders to keep from falling.

"Too many clothes," Cooper gasped when they came up for air, his hands still pushing insistently at Josh's t-shirt.

"You should talk," Josh said, reaching up to tug at Cooper's tie. He worked the knot open in record time, dropping it on the floor before he pushed Cooper's jacket off his shoulders.

"Nice," Cooper shot back, his hands stilling against Josh's stomach for a second. "I get all dressed up for you and all you can do is complain."

"You did?" Josh asked as Cooper's hands started moving again, urging Josh's arms up long enough to tug his t-shirt over his head.

"No," Cooper answered once he got Josh's shirt off, his smirk returning when he caught the other boy's expression. "Not that I wouldn't if I knew you were into that kind of thing. But my dad drug me into the office for some shareholders meeting this morning before I got on the plane."

Josh grinned at the image of Cooper suffering through some boring corporate meeting, listening to a bunch of stuffed shirts talking about plumbing fixtures and market reports all morning. "Sounds boring."

"You have no idea," Cooper answered, his fingers tugging at the button on Josh's jeans. "But I spent most of the morning thinking about this, so it wasn't that bad."

That made Josh smile even more, and he stopped unbuttoning Cooper's shirt long enough to run a hand through the other boy's hair. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Cooper answered, glancing up at Josh long enough to return his smile. "What'd you think, I was gonna forget all about us over break?"

'Us'. It had a nice ring to it, Josh decided, and he didn't bother to fight the goofy grin that lit up his features. "I did, you know."

"You forgot about us?" Cooper asked, his hands stilling on Josh's stomach again.

"No," Josh answered quickly, shaking his head to try to clear the haze of desire that was quickly making thinking a challenge. "I mean I missed you."

For a second Cooper just looked at him, but before Josh had a chance to get worried the other boy leaned forward for a hard kiss. "Good," he murmured against Josh's mouth as he slid Josh's zipper down and slipped a hand inside his jeans.

Josh's groan was swallowed by the kiss, his hips bucking involuntarily as Cooper's fingers stroked his length. Cooper laughed against his mouth and pulled his hand away, ignoring Josh's murmured protest. He flattened his palms against Josh's chest, fingers running down warm skin for a second before he pushed Josh backwards onto the bed. Cooper grinned at Josh's startled expression, letting his gaze wander down the other boy's body as he finished unbuttoning his shirt and kicked off his shoes. As soon as Josh realized what he was doing he sat up, pulling off his own shoes and struggling out of his jeans before he leaned back on his elbows to finish watching Cooper undress.

"You're so cute when you're shy," Cooper said, glancing pointedly at the boxers Josh was still wearing as he slid his own down his hips and kicked them aside. He laughed and crawled onto the bed, planting his knees on either side of Josh's hips. "You're pretty cute when you blush, too."

Josh tried to work up a respectable amount of righteous indignation at that comment, but it was hard to think when Cooper was naked and straddling him. Besides, his whole body was flushed for exactly the reason Cooper had pointed out, so there was no use denying it. Instead he leaned up, catching the other boy behind the neck and pulling him forward for another desperate kiss.

By the time they came up for air Cooper was stretched out on top of him, his hips moving in slow circles, and Josh found himself wishing he'd just taken his boxers off while he had the chance. It was still so hard for him to loosen up around Cooper; granted, he hadn't really had that long to get used to the idea, but Cooper went into everything with such enthusiasm that Josh wasn't sure he'd ever get used to it. For Cooper this new turn in their relationship seemed effortless, whereas Josh kept expecting to wake up any minute and find out the whole thing had been an elaborate dream.

He gasped when Cooper caught Josh's bottom lip between his teeth, biting down gently before his tongue darted out to sooth the sting. His hands stroked along Josh's arms and down his sides, hard enough so it wouldn't tickle but still soft enough to tease. And that was another thing Josh wasn't sure he'd ever get used to; Cooper had a weird habit of changing the pace right in the middle of whatever he was doing. One minute he'd be tearing Josh's clothes off like he couldn't get them naked fast enough, then he'd get distracted by Josh's mouth or the inside of his elbow or his shoulder blade and suddenly all his attention was focused on that one spot. It kept Josh off-balance almost all the time, but in a weird way it made him feel like this wasn't just sex, like maybe it actually meant something to Cooper too.

His hands slid up Cooper's back, fingers kneading the skin just below Cooper's shoulder blades as the other boy moved against him. Three weeks was a long time to wait for this now that he knew what he was missing, and Josh was almost sure he was going to crawl out of his skin before Cooper ever got around to doing anything besides kiss him. Cooper didn't seem to be in any hurry to do anything else, though, so Josh thrust up against him a little harder.

Another laugh at his expense, but he didn't mind so much when Cooper released his mouth with one last, lingering kiss. He pressed his mouth to Josh's jaw, nipping at the skin there before he moved down to the other boy's throat. His hands slid under the waistband of Josh's boxers, pushing the thin cotton down his hips and lifting it carefully over Josh's straining erection. His knuckles brushed against the head of Josh's cock in the process, and Josh bit down hard on a moan and lifted his hips to let Cooper pull the fabric off completely.

When he was finally naked Cooper knelt between his legs, letting his gaze trail pointedly over Josh's body until the other boy was blushing furiously. He ran one hand up Josh's thigh, fingers trailing through the thin hair there. He stopped just before he reached Josh's erection, sliding his hand between Josh's legs to stroke the taut skin behind his balls. Josh gasped and spread his legs a little further, forgetting to worry what he looked like or whether Cooper was still staring.

He squeezed his eyes shut and arched into Cooper's touch, and when he felt Cooper's mouth close around the tip of his cock it was all he could do not to thrust into all that wet heat. His fingers clutched the bedspread, knuckles white as he bit his lip to hold back a moan. After a year the rumors about them had mostly died down, and now that they were actually true he wasn't sure how much he wanted their dorm mates to overhear them and start talking again. Not that he was embarrassed, but he kind of liked the fact that this was just between them, at least until he figured out exactly what it was they were doing.

Cooper's thumb was still stroking that spot between his legs, his mouth working Josh's length and his other hand pinning Josh's hips to the mattress. He could hear himself murmuring something, but he couldn't focus long enough to make out his own words, not when Cooper's tongue was doing that thing Josh still hadn't quite figured out. He arched into the sensation, one hand leaving the bedspread to slide into Cooper's hair and tug his mouth away.

"Coop," he managed to choke out, "wait..."

That was as far as he got before Cooper's mouth covered his again, his hand sliding between them to wrap around both their erections. It wasn't exactly what Josh had been asking for; he'd been trying to tell Cooper that he was too close, that he wanted to feel Cooper inside him when he came. But Cooper's hand felt good wrapped around him, and Cooper's hips were moving in that frantic, uneven way that let Josh know he was too close to hold off any longer.

Josh shifted just a little, letting Cooper settle even closer to him as he slid one leg around Cooper's hips. He thrust up against the other boy, one hand still buried in Cooper's hair and the other gripping his arm just a little harder than necessary. Cooper grunted against his mouth and thrust again, his grip tightening as he tensed and let go. Josh followed him a few seconds later, coming with a low moan.

It took a few minutes for both of them to catch their breath, and Josh knew if they didn't get up and clean themselves up soon that they'd be stuck together. He ran one hand down Cooper's back, tracing a circular pattern against the other boy's sweat-damp skin. He knew he should say something, maybe suggest that they get up and do something about the mess on their stomachs, but he didn't want to be the one to break the spell. As soon as they moved he knew he'd go right back to thinking about what they were doing, and he didn't want to have to worry about that right now.

He tensed when Cooper shifted against him, bracing himself for the inevitable kiss on the cheek before Cooper climbed out of bed and put his clothes back on. Josh knew he was probably already thinking about rounding up the guys, throwing an impromptu 'welcome back to school' party in their room, and then it would be hours before Josh got Cooper to himself again. But a minute passed and Cooper didn't get up, and when Josh looked over at the other boy he found Cooper watching him.

"You're not going home for spring break, are you?"

"What?" Josh asked, his forehead furrowing at the random question. "I don't know. Why?"

"You're not going home for spring break," Cooper repeated, making it sound like an order this time. "Not unless I go with you, because I don't think I can take another break like the last one."

He pushed himself up on one elbow and looked down at Josh, reaching over to push a few strands of matted hair away from his forehead. Then he leaned over and pressed a kiss to the corner of Josh's mouth, lingering for a moment before he pulled back to look down at Josh again. "We can stay here. Have the whole place to ourselves for a week. Beats going home and dealing with my dad, anyway. Although it might be worth it just to see his expression when I bring my boyfriend home."

Josh felt his whole body flush again at the word 'boyfriend', but for once he didn't even care if Cooper noticed. Part of him couldn't believe Cooper was actually planning something three months ahead, but the rest of him was still back on the fact that Cooper actually thought of Josh as his boyfriend. The fact that he hadn't even had to ask what exactly they were doing made it even more unreal, but he wasn't about to argue.

"Whatever you want, Coop," he answered, returning Cooper's grin as he slid his hand into Cooper's hair and pulled him down for another kiss.


Next up, redundant BWOC moviesmut, because Rachel is the boss of me. And because she's right; Tommy and Merton have the same awful taste in movies as me, so they'd totally rent Voodoo Academy. After that I'll get back to my regularly scheduled programming. Maybe.

dmoc, fic: dmoc, fic

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