Title: Everything You Ever
Author: carolinablu85 (Ella)
jessnic85 (Nicole)
Disclaimer: I disclaim. I own a pair of shoes, a cell phone, and some other things. The show and all associated with it? Nope. Don’t own that.
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Noah, with appearances by many supporting Snyders and friends
Word Count: 18,105
Warnings: PG-13 rating, nothing major, but be prepared for many many flashbacks, and- shock of all shocks- there’s only MINOR angst! I know you don’t believe me, but it’s true!
Spoilers: There are references to several different storylines that have aired, including the current one.
Summary: Inspired by a conversation with Faith, Noah makes a list of everything he’s gained since being in a relationship with Luke. With each thing he writes down, he recalls a memory that goes along with it. Some are funny, some are sad, some are sweet- but unbeknownst to Noah, all are leading up to a memory that hasn’t even happened yet.
Author’s Notes: I tried to make it less confusing by having Present Day in this font and flashbacks in this font, so I hope that helps! Also important to note- the flashbacks skip around. They definitely aren’t in a chronological order, sorry! Ginormous thanks to Kat and Moey for being so awesomely ambitious in having the BigBang, thanks to Nicole for being an amazing artist and cheerleader the last couple weeks, and thanks to everyone for reading!
Link to THE TOTALLY AMAZING Art Master Post:
http://jessnic85.livejournal.com/37565.html Enjoy the story!
Chapter One /
Chapter Two /
Chapter Three /
Chapter Four