Self-pimping meme and an ETA

Jan 04, 2009 21:49

I would like to propose a self-pimping fic meme. I do try to keep up with my flist as much as possible, but obviously I haven't read everything,  (particularly in the case of my new friends) and I thought this might be fun. It's simple. Just comment and link me to your favourite thing you've written, something unappreciated but awesome, or even ( Read more... )

fic recs, merlin

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Comments 13

brighty18 January 5 2009, 03:41:19 UTC
Oh, that is a really cool meme...

I cannot decide betweenL and So I cheated. I suck.


carmine_ink January 5 2009, 04:20:09 UTC
Thank you for the links!


poptartmuse January 5 2009, 04:05:00 UTC

hopefully you like stupid metaphors and Harry Potter. :/

also this:

enjoy ♥


carmine_ink January 5 2009, 04:23:52 UTC
Silly you. I love Harry Potter (the majority of my fic is R/S) and stupid metaphors are the chocolate chips on my literary sundae. LOL I don't even know...

Thanks for the links!


glass_icarus January 5 2009, 05:15:13 UTC
meme! :) haha, wellll i don't know if any of the stuff i've written recently would interest you, other than the R/S (at which i feel i'm horribly out of practice)... my fic round-ups are are here, though, so browse through whatever you feel like? *g*


carmine_ink January 5 2009, 14:57:44 UTC
Thanks! :D


eumelkeks January 5 2009, 08:30:38 UTC
The favourite thing I've written? Oh dear, I think it's a tie between These Bloody Robes and The Most Romantic Romance or The Loss of Innocence. The first one has Sirius-James interaction, which I love to write and the second one took me ages to complete because being funny is a lot harder than being angsty. *lol*

And of course RTD is to blame for the gay in British TV. He's corrupting us all with his liberal ways. *snickers* I really hope they keep up the eye-fucking in series two. I would be devastated if Merlin and Arthur ever stopped doing that.


carmine_ink January 5 2009, 15:00:37 UTC
They sound brilliant, thanks! And I'm 100% with you on the humour-is-harder-than-angst thing.

See, the eye-fucking fascinates me, because I feel that it's not so much in the script as it is the actors doing their part to propagate the gay. One can hope. ;p


eumelkeks January 5 2009, 21:17:11 UTC
Bradley once said that he and Colin had a talk about their RELATIONSHIP and that he's glad the viewers caught on so quickly. So they're definitely marching for RTD.


carmine_ink January 6 2009, 02:27:04 UTC
Haha, I like to think so! I love that article. ;D The idea of their gay fans asking about the "intimate details" of Arthur and Merlin's relationship amuses me to no end.


isil_helyanwe January 5 2009, 16:02:46 UTC
The three very short pieces of fic that I've ever written. I'll give you the FFnet links...

The aftermath of Dead Poets Society.
The Marauders' first day at school.

Please don't judge my writing skills by this - bear in mind that I did write them all about a year ago.


isil_helyanwe January 5 2009, 16:08:31 UTC
Ugh, so the links didn't work but whatever. I'm sure you can figure it out. :)


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