Self-pimping meme and an ETA

Jan 04, 2009 21:49

I would like to propose a self-pimping fic meme. I do try to keep up with my flist as much as possible, but obviously I haven't read everything,  (particularly in the case of my new friends) and I thought this might be fun. It's simple. Just comment and link me to your favourite thing you've written, something unappreciated but awesome, or even just a work you're really proud of and would like to share. Humour me? :D

Also, you know that theory I had, a couple entries back, about RTD writing everything Merlin?

After the screening, there was a reception at the OXO Tower in central London (top-notch canapés and drinks). The majority of the cast were there, which was really great. I spotted Anthony Head talking to -> Russell T Davies (Doctor Who revivalist) <- and Richard Wilson.
(From here.)

fic recs, merlin

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