ABC Fanfic Challenge

Oct 07, 2010 17:12

I think I'm in dire need for some writing practice, so I announce  the *drumroll*


It goes like this:

1. Make a list of prompts, one word for each letter of the alphabet and release the list in a post on your journal.

My list:

A: armour

B: bail

C:  Coffee (TenToo/Rose, strong Teen/light Adult, sexy humour)

D: dialect

E: earthquake

F:  fossil (Ten/Rose, Teen, fluff/angst/humour)

G: graffiti

H: hostel

I: inch

J: junkfood

K: kink

L: lubricant

M: magnet

N: noticeboard

O: odyssey

P: passport

Q:  queue (Ten/Rose, all ages, fluff)

R: rebel

S: sea plane

T:  typhoon (Doctor/Rose, strong Teen, fluff/hurt/comfort)

U: Utopia

V: Venus

W: wedding

X: xenophobia

Y: yoga

Z: zombie

2. Either write a drabble or ficlet to each of the prompts (100 to 1000 words) or do a graphic for each of them (icon, doodle, banner, wallpaper, manip... anything goes). You don't have to fulfill them in order, main point is to have a complete list one day.

3. Reply to this post if you are entering and drop me a line when your list is finished.

4. Once every participant has completed his/her list, I'll post a masterlist of all results.

Well, that's the challenge. You can take any pairing of any show (even none at all, friendship is fine as well) and mix them however you like ;)
Pimping this would be nice as well to get more participants together.

Enjoy! :D

abc fanfic challenge

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