Hi! I love this challenge, excited by my prompts, and am completely impressed by your work into this! I'm just trying to clarify, though, cuz I'm a bit confused by your examples.
1) 9 squares (3x3). Each square is 5 points, for a total of 45 points + 5 for completing the card. Partial points are available if you don't want to do a blackout, but do they have to be a completed line of 3? Under points you list each square is worth 5 points, giving the impression we don't need to complete lines.
2) Does the bingo have to be an identical fill? Like say, does it have to be drabble-drabble-drabble, or can it be drabble-icon-picspam?
3) Are the points worth the same as other challenges? You've multiplied your examples by four, making it seem that 4 icons=5 points, etc.
4) Are squares worth a max of 5 points? So say, if you did a gif, which is usually given more than 5 points, it only counts as 5 points?
I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. Thanks!
(Note, I switched Bingo placements for two prompts as it looked more aesthetically pleasing to me. Since I did a blackout, I hope you guys don't mind.)
Comments 113
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1) 9 squares (3x3). Each square is 5 points, for a total of 45 points + 5 for completing the card. Partial points are available if you don't want to do a blackout, but do they have to be a completed line of 3? Under points you list each square is worth 5 points, giving the impression we don't need to complete lines.
2) Does the bingo have to be an identical fill? Like say, does it have to be drabble-drabble-drabble, or can it be drabble-icon-picspam?
3) Are the points worth the same as other challenges? You've multiplied your examples by four, making it seem that 4 icons=5 points, etc.
4) Are squares worth a max of 5 points? So say, if you did a gif, which is usually given more than 5 points, it only counts as 5 points?
I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. Thanks!
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(Note, I switched Bingo placements for two prompts as it looked more aesthetically pleasing to me. Since I did a blackout, I hope you guys don't mind.)
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at my journal: https://meridian-rose.dreamwidth.org/602495.html
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I finished two lines = 30 + 1 = 31 points
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08 squares x 04 icons
01 square x 02 sigtags
Black-out: 45 points + 05 points for achievement + 01 point sigtag = 51 points total
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(The comment has been removed)
Link to my card: https://cards-wild.livejournal.com/73629.html?thread=8177053#t8177053
Link to my Fills: https://tarlanx.dreamwidth.org/1061136.html
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