Challenge 28 - Team Hearts' Cross Your Hearts Mini-Bingo

Jan 04, 2018 20:12

Description: For this challenge, you can request a 3 x 3 bingo card below, and fill the squares, for example with:

- 4 icons
- 2 gifs / banners / sigtags / doodles or sketches
- 1 picspam (minimum 5 pics)
- 1 wallpaper (minimum size 1024 x 768) / other art piece
- 200 words of fiction / meta
- 1 fanvid (minimum duration 15 seconds; not including intro and end credits)


- Each square must be filled with one (1) unique fan work
- Each line of three must have unique entries, for example: a horizontal line and a diagonal would comprise of SIX (6) fills, not five (you have to fill the square where these lines are crossing twice)


- Maximal 51 points
- Each square is worth 5 points
- A single line / diagonal (3 squares) = 15 points
- Black-out (all squares) = 45 points (+ 5 bonus for achievement)
- 1 point for using your sigtag

Due date: January 25, 2018 at MIDNIGHT

Step 1: Request a card in the "Submit" section
Step 2: Submit your fills (or a link to your journal) to your team thread!

challenge, team challenge

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