'cuz i'm the punk rock, punk rock star!

Mar 26, 2008 19:52

[[ Forward-dated to tomorrow. :c
Warnings; M/M, bloodplay, etc. ]]Malik knew the Bakuras locked their front door, but he also knew how to pick it by now. He'd seen the Thief King do it often enough, when he'd been too drunk to bother digging for his keys. It really did say something that it was easier and more natural for Bakura to break in than ( Read more... )

mana, thief king, thief king/mana/yami no malik, yami no malik

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sugar_spells March 30 2008, 23:15:10 UTC
The last thing she was expecting was to have her arm taken hold of and to be yanked closer to Yami no Malik. Without knowing it, she let out a half surprised, half frightened sort of gasp until she felt her body connect with Malik's. Her eyes, if it was possible, had gotten wider and, in her shock, she had dropped the staff from her hands. Out of the corner of her eye she could see it lying on the floor and she sighed, wishing she had kept a better hold on it. Although she didn't know how she could have, since Malik had gripped the arm she'd been holding it in a little harder than she thought he would.

"B-but...I should go...I really should be in school right now and...I don't want to interrupt and..." Gods, she didn't know what to say to get out of this situation. It wasn't as though she thought Malik would hurt her, but she had never intended to be this close to a fist fight between the two of them and obviously had been feeling out of place since they first started making out. Her heart was pacing, pumping fast enough that she ( ... )


sugar_spells March 31 2008, 01:00:25 UTC
Mana couldn't deny that he was talking to her now...since he bloody hand was on her cheek. She shivered involuntarily and just stared up at him with the biggest blue eyes, full of fear and confusion. "....No...." She didn't know if it was a lie or not, but it seemed like the right answer. A stupid answer.

She looked from Malik to Bakura and back to Malik. "W-why did you hurt him? I could heal him if I had my staff..."

[Tag, Malik!]


tothedust March 31 2008, 01:02:56 UTC
"He likes it." And Malik, of course, liked the idea of Bakura suffering and bleeding. But having a clean slate to work from, erasing everything he'd done so far, maybe even patching up some of the old scars...that was even more enticing.

"But truly, would you?" He walked away from her, picked up her staff, and came back. He was confident that she was too frightened to try anything on him (he recognized near panic when he saw it and it wouldn't be hard to send her over that edge), and besides, if he felt in danger he could use the Rod. "Heal him, then~"

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 31 2008, 01:11:31 UTC
Mana reached a shaky hand out and took hold of the staff, looking from Malik to Bakura. No matter what, she always felt that she had a duty to heal others. Not only a duty, but in her heart it hurt her to see Bakura suffering and she wanted to do all she could to stop it. It also gave her something else to focus on other than Malik's bloody hand or his tongue or anything else about him.

She stared at her staff, her heart dropping a bit in her chest to see it covered in blood. She held it though, the blood transferring over to her own hands. It was an awkward feeling, one that made her stomach turn. She didn't like it at all.

Mana focused on Bakura, mumbling something that was slightly stronger than a basic healing spell. She didn't know how much blood he'd lost but it had to be a considerable amount, so she tried to give Bakura a nice warm feeling with the healing spell, a tingle almost. She looked over at him and tilted her head. "Are you all right, Bakura?"

[Tag, Bakura!]


bringmemythrone March 31 2008, 01:30:58 UTC
Bakura had stumbled back enough to fall against the couch, though he managed to sit up on it. It didn't feel as bad when Malik was tugging on the flesh, so he actually leaned back a little. He couldn't really deny the fact that he enjoyed being in pain -- he was a masochist through and through -- so he just gave Mana an odd look when she offered to heal him.

Malik seemed to speak for him, which annoyed him. He was drunk, not mute. He didn't bother to protest however, letting her cast the spell. He felt warm at first, on both wounds. The feeling faded away with the wounds and his hand moved back to feel where the injury on his back had been. It was gone.

"Yes," he answered, not bothering to elaborate. "Though the bastard will just cut me up later." He almost managed to sound like he deserved sympathy, like he didn't crawl on top of Malik and ask for it.

[Tag, Mana~!]


sugar_spells March 31 2008, 02:00:54 UTC
To hear that Bakura's injuries were healed fully made Mana light up a little. It almost managed to put her fears at ease. She smiled at him happily, holding her staff very tight in her hand. Now that she had it, she would not let it go again. Unless Malik forced her to.

She watched Bakura fall back on the couch and smile. "Did you feel the warmth? I learned that a while ago and I thought it might make you happy." Mana really only wanted friends. It was almost a shame...since they weren't looking for the same friendship.

She lost her smile when he said that Malik would just cut him up later. "I hope not...but I could heal either of you if you ever wanted me to." She said, looking at him, then Malik, and back.

[Tag, Thief]


bringmemythrone March 31 2008, 02:04:46 UTC
Bakura snorted at that. "Oh, I can promise you he will." Friendship obviously wasn't on his mind. It never was, as he'd never really learned to value friends beyond the ones he'd watched get sliced up as a child. "Probably brutally so. I might even die."

He grinned at Malik, leaning back against the couch fully now. "Isn't that right, baby?"

[Tag, Malik!]


tothedust March 31 2008, 02:08:44 UTC
Malik, however, was grinning, admiring her work. Not even a mark to show for all the cutting he'd done earlier. "Mm, I'm impressed," he told Mana.

He walked closer to Bakura, running his fingers over where his forearm he knew he'd gashed the other open.

"Can you get rid of scars, too?"

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 31 2008, 02:14:55 UTC
Now she felt much more comfortable here. She was impressing people, not shuttering in a corner somewhere. "Of course! Which ones do you want me to get rid of?"

Mana moved over after Malik to get a closer look at Bakura's back and arms, mentally making notes of the scars. "Just point them out and I can definitely get rid of them!"

She didn't know that Malik had plans in store for Bakura if and when she got rid of these scars.

[Tag, Bakura!]


bringmemythrone March 31 2008, 02:22:53 UTC
Bakura gave Malik an awkward glance, wondering why in the hell that had been asked. He was personally quite fond of his scars (or at least, fond of most them). Still, he figured Malik wanted to get rid of the ones he'd caused. Start over new, what a sick bastard.

Sliding his shirt up over his head, Bakura revealed the rest of the scars on his chest and abdomen. There were plenty, as Malik generally went trigger happy with his knife.

"Get rid of these," he told her, motioning to his chest. "You want yours gone, too, don't you?" he chuckled, looking over to the blonde Egyptian. Bakura had sliced his name into Malik's chest, something the other hadn't been entirely pleased with.

[Tag, Malik!]


tothedust March 31 2008, 02:26:25 UTC
Malik uttered a short sound of agreement, though for once his attention was more focused on Bakura than himself. There was something oddly attractive about picturing the other man's chest smooth again, none of the pale lines and stark ridges he'd left over the past year and a half.

Before he let Mana do anything to him, though, he'd wait to see how this affected Bakura.

He grinned at the girl and gestured. "Impress me."

[Tag, adorable!Mana!]


sugar_spells March 31 2008, 02:32:22 UTC
Mana grinned. She could definitely do this! She turned happily and looked to Bakura. With her staff poised just above his chest, she focused and uttered another spell. The end of her staff glowed with a pale blue light this time that washed down over Bakura's chest, seeping into the scars and making them glow slightly.

There was a gentle cooling situation that would spread through the Thief King and once that was done, he would have a perfectly unblemished chest yet again. Mana peeked over to see his chest and then grinned, jumping up and down a little. "Yay! It worked! How do you feel, Bakura?"

[Tag, Bakura!]


bringmemythrone March 31 2008, 02:41:19 UTC
The spell actually sent a shiver down his spine at first, though it obviously worked. His chest was clear, looking as it had before he'd gotten 'involved' with Yami no Malik. Running his fingers over it, he was surprised the skin actually felt smooth.

After a moment, he looked up. "Drunk," he answered, flashing her an almost smile.

[Tag, Malik~ :C]


tothedust March 31 2008, 02:46:05 UTC
Malik felt Bakura's chest, too, making sure it was what it looked like. He could hardly remember it ever having been like that.

Well, that settled it. He stripped his own shirt off and tossed it somewhere behind the sofa. "Oi, my turn," he turned to Mana, just pointing at one scar across his stomach--and the hieroglyphs spelling out Bakura's name, which he'd scratched out with his own knife.

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 31 2008, 02:52:47 UTC
Mana watched with a tilted head. She squinted, making out that it said Bakura's name, before shrugging a little. She didn't want to read too much into that, so she just smiled and nodded. "Of course!"

Repeating the spell but turning her staff towards Malik, she watched as the same shivering blue settled over Malik's scar, seeped in, and vanished...taking the scar along with it.

"There you go! Do you feel ok, Malik?" She always liked to check just in case something had gone wrong during her spell casting.

[Tag, Malik!]


tothedust March 31 2008, 02:59:24 UTC
The feeling was strange, but pleasant, and even after it was gone Malik felt like recoiling from it. He scratched where his skin was now smooth and healed, not enough to break the skin but enough to get rid of that soft, near-soothing feeling.

"...It's better," he said, frowning slightly. Naturally he didn't ask for those on his back to be healed; they were just about his favorite thing in the world.

He walked the two or three steps over to her again, hands resting on her waist in a pretty obvious gesture. "Ne, shouldn't we reward you for your hard work~?"

[Tag, Mana!]


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