'cuz i'm the punk rock, punk rock star!

Mar 26, 2008 19:52

[[ Forward-dated to tomorrow. :c
Warnings; M/M, bloodplay, etc. ]]Malik knew the Bakuras locked their front door, but he also knew how to pick it by now. He'd seen the Thief King do it often enough, when he'd been too drunk to bother digging for his keys. It really did say something that it was easier and more natural for Bakura to break in than ( Read more... )

mana, thief king, thief king/mana/yami no malik, yami no malik

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sugar_spells March 30 2008, 23:15:10 UTC
The last thing she was expecting was to have her arm taken hold of and to be yanked closer to Yami no Malik. Without knowing it, she let out a half surprised, half frightened sort of gasp until she felt her body connect with Malik's. Her eyes, if it was possible, had gotten wider and, in her shock, she had dropped the staff from her hands. Out of the corner of her eye she could see it lying on the floor and she sighed, wishing she had kept a better hold on it. Although she didn't know how she could have, since Malik had gripped the arm she'd been holding it in a little harder than she thought he would.

"B-but...I should go...I really should be in school right now and...I don't want to interrupt and..." Gods, she didn't know what to say to get out of this situation. It wasn't as though she thought Malik would hurt her, but she had never intended to be this close to a fist fight between the two of them and obviously had been feeling out of place since they first started making out. Her heart was pacing, pumping fast enough that she swore it was going to thump right out of her chest.

[Tag, Malik!]


tothedust March 30 2008, 23:22:35 UTC
"Forget about him, then." Malik could feel her pulse racing in her wrist, and against his skin when he nuzzled along her neck. Nn, she did smell good, especially compared to the stale scent of beer he was slowly getting used to. "He can keep himself entertained."

It was nice to feel someone so much smaller against him again. He liked that his hand fit around her wrist, and that he could feel her tremble. He didn't even need the Rod for her.

"Stay," he said again, smirking at her and drawing her back further into the room.

[Tag, Bakura]


bringmemythrone March 30 2008, 23:35:31 UTC
Bakura had apparently downed enough of the bottle that only a small portion of it spilled out when he hit Malik and he was actually left with something to drink. He was well aware of where Malik had originally been heading, but he hadn't gotten there.

Besides, it wasn't as if he minded being cut up. He was still bleeding from earlier, sitting on the floor against their couch. Ruining it was of no issue, and they might as well buy a new one. This one smelled of sex and cheap alcohol.

"Yes, yes, forget about him," Bakura agreed, tipping the bottle up and drinking the rest. He probably should have been more concerned for Mana's sake, but it wasn't as if she was his problem. He'd known the moment he invited the poor girl over that she wasn't exactly safe in his apartment.

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 30 2008, 23:40:09 UTC
The nuzzle?! Gods, that just made her feel even more awkward. Her face was no longer pale, but now a bright rosy red. It felt inappropriate and left her at a loss for words. She stammered on for another moment, until Malik led her deeper into the apartment.

Mana had no choice but to follow Malik, since her arm was still in his grasp. It was slightly painful and she winced when he started walking further into the room. "I'll stay...Can you let go of my arm, please? It hurts..." She wasn't aware that he probably wanted it to hurt. She didn't know that much about him, or Thief King Bakura, yet.

[Tag, Malik]


tothedust March 30 2008, 23:46:02 UTC
"Oh?" he grinned at her, having pulled her at least as far as the kitchen even if he hadn't dragged her inside yet. "How do I know you'll stay? It was in such a hurry to get out."

He pressed her up against the wall then, careful to stay close enough that she wouldn't be able to hit him effectively. "And you are more entertaining than Bakura. Do you really want to leave me alone with him~?"

As if Malik had anything to fear by being alone with the Thief King. But if she didn't know they'd been living together a month ago, well, no reason to spoil that.

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 30 2008, 23:49:57 UTC
"Y-you know because I said that I would..." She had come here after all. She had skipped school to be here, lied to Pharaoh-sama and Mahaado-sama and everyone else at the Gameshop. Wasn't that proof enough?

Malik moved closer and all Mana could do was give a tiny squeak, staring at him with wide eyes as she closed the distance between her back and the wall and he closed the distance between her body and his. "I...uhm....I..." How was she supposed to respond to that? It wasn't like she could stop the fight between the to of them...not without her staff. And now it was all the way across the room, just inches from the door.

[Tag, Bakura!]


bringmemythrone March 30 2008, 23:56:36 UTC
"Mm, I absolutely love it when you taunt helpless girls," Bakura commented from the floor, now out of vodka. He'd swallowed that whole thing too fast and his head was spinning too much for him to try and get up. "It really turns me on."

He rolled his eyes, throwing the bottle to the table and missing by a long shot. "Fuck," he mumbled, crawling forward to grab it and try again. He was only half-aware of the scene before him (and really, it was nothing surprising).

"You did say I'd get to play, too," he mumbled, words slurred as he tried to sound as if he cared at all. "Come help me up." As if Malik actually would.

[Tag, Malik~!!]


tothedust March 31 2008, 00:00:11 UTC
In fact, Malik was still so annoyed with Bakura that all he could think of was ripping him apart. "Of course, of course," he drawled. He gave Mana a final lick, up her chin and over her lips, and released her.

Then he strode back over to Bakura, intent on finishing the fight. Except that he was pretty drunk now and it wouldn't, as far as Malik was concerned (Bakura always managed to turn things around), be much of a fight.

"Can you really not stand?" He sneered. "Is it really stuck down there?"

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 31 2008, 00:05:02 UTC
Oh....Gods.... What had she gotten herself into now? Her shaky hands lifted up to her lips and covered them, fingers trembling. She was paralyzed, fully and truly, to the doorframe. She knew that if she moved, her legs would give out from under her and that was not something she wanted to experience, no matter how badly she wanted her staff with her right now.

She did succeed in wiping what amount of saliva Malik had left on her face off, although it didn't make the intense feeling of unease in her stomach subside at all. She watched in horror as he left, mentally trying to decide whether she should risk jello-legs and try to get her staff...or if her moving at all would just anger Malik more.

She settled on the fact that against the doorframe, at least she had something to lean against. So she stayed and closed her eyes, little teardrops pricking in the corners.

[Tag, Bakura!]


bringmemythrone March 31 2008, 00:20:49 UTC
Looking up at Malik, Bakura just grinned at him, putting one hand on the couch and pushing himself up. He wasn't steady at all, but he'd fight the other if he had to. That, or divert his attention elsewhere.

He settled on the latter for now. "I can, I can," he purred, "but you know how I hate to do things for myself."

Then, he nodded in Mana's direction. "You made our house guest cry."

[Tag, Malik! ... :B!]


tothedust March 31 2008, 00:27:35 UTC
Malik looked over his shoulder at her and, sure enough, she was. He took his hand off of Bakura (he wasn't even sure what he'd been planning to do since it had been such a non-violent gesture, one of those that was sneaking out of him more and more often).

"Ne, what's wrong, woman?" He stepped towards her, but just far enough that he'd be out of Bakura's reach. "Is it hurt?" His tone didn't imply that he'd be any help if she was.

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 31 2008, 00:31:27 UTC
Mana's eyes snapped open. Obviously woman meant her...since there were no other women in the room. "N-nothing's wrong!" She was an easy one to make cry, that was all. This whole situation frightened her and when she was really scared...she cried. Simple as that.

"No, I'm not hurt..." She didn't notice the bruises on her left arm from Malik's vise-grip. They were still faint, but it wasn't as if she was looking at her arm. She was starting straight at Malik, too confused to make an accurate decision. She decided, again, that she would just stay pressed up against this nice doorframe.

[Tag, Baaaakura~]


bringmemythrone March 31 2008, 00:39:58 UTC
"Pronouns, Malik," Bakura chided, though he sounded amused. He managed to stumble forward, gripping onto Malik's shoulder and leaning against him. He should have probably made a better decision; Malik was still blood-thirsty, and most of that was directed at him. Still, he was closest and fuck, he was warm. He nuzzled against the other playfully before laughing.

"You're scaring her. Play nicely."

[Tag, Malik!]


tothedust March 31 2008, 00:47:45 UTC
Malik held him up, but it was obvious from the way one of his hands was running over Bakura's back that it was just because he was trying to decide where to stab him.

Fortunately, he found that still-wet cut he'd made earlier and entertained himself by playing with that, pulling Bakura's skin open, digging the tips of his fingers in.

All of this while he watched Mana.

"Ne, how does it want me to treat it?" That was directed at the girl, but of course most people didn't really grasp that he was talking to them when he couldn't even refer to them as human beings.

[Tag, Bakura]


bringmemythrone March 31 2008, 00:53:50 UTC
The action actually felt soothing up until Malik found his cut and tore at it. His grip tightened on the other's shoulder and he groaned, "Fuck, Malik--" He trailed off before he got the word stop out, slapping Malik's hand away and moving his own to the wound, holding it before he pulled his shirt down.

That had hurt, and he wasn't turned on enough for him to ignore it.

[Tag, Malik]


tothedust March 31 2008, 00:56:27 UTC
Malik scowled at him, his distraction now gone, and pushed Bakura towards the couch. Had Mana not been there he would have followed Bakura, torn him up further.

Instead he walked towards the girl, ignoring the fact that he still had blood on his hand, and brushed her cheek lightly. "Is it still scared of me~?"

[Tag, Mana!]


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