'cuz i'm the punk rock, punk rock star!

Mar 26, 2008 19:52

[[ Forward-dated to tomorrow. :c
Warnings; M/M, bloodplay, etc. ]]Malik knew the Bakuras locked their front door, but he also knew how to pick it by now. He'd seen the Thief King do it often enough, when he'd been too drunk to bother digging for his keys. It really did say something that it was easier and more natural for Bakura to break in than ( Read more... )

mana, thief king, thief king/mana/yami no malik, yami no malik

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bringmemythrone March 27 2008, 00:18:26 UTC
Despite half-expecting it, the knock at the door startled Bakura and he paused, fingers pressed into his wound and looked over his shoulder at it. It didn't take him long to recall why someone would be knocking, and he slowly stood up, bringing his blood-covered fingers to his mouth and suckling on them for a moment until he was sure they were no longer coated in the red substance.

That didn't do much for the rest of his appearance. He didn't look bad, but he had just rolled out of bed. His hair was tangled, and his outfit, the one he normally slept in, had a bright red splotch on his hip (as well as one on his back, on the spine -- shit, he barely remembered Malik doing that). At least, he found, it didn't hurt too much to walk.

He moved to the door, rubbing his eyes for a moment and groaning. Might as well get that out before he let company in (clearly, Malik didn't count as company). He opened it and grinned down at the girl in front of him -- she was cute. It was no wonder the Pharaoh was so protective of her ( ... )


tothedust March 27 2008, 05:22:29 UTC
"Donut shops," he said, though he wasn't hungry. He leaned back slightly, drawing Bakura's hand down over his stomach as far as it would go. Obviously not quite where he wanted it, but it felt nice.

He twisted Bakura's shaggy hair in his fingers, pulling him down harder to lick his ear, and then letting him go. The girl had seemed content to look away earlier, and besides, he hardly cared what her opinion of this was. If she was uncomfortable, so much the better; it would only draw him closer to her.

[Tag, Bakura :X]


bringmemythrone March 27 2008, 05:32:34 UTC
"We have donuts here." That seemed a ridiculous reason to get out of the house. He hadn't exactly invited Mana over to feed her and play nicely. She was the Pharaoh's pet and he had every intention of getting in her head. "I think." It was like the Spirit ate, so unless he'd had them last night and didn't remember, they should.

He gave a small grunt, though he caught himself before he got too loud. He didn't want to scare the girl off yet. "I'm getting blood all over my nice furniture," he noted, pulling away from Malik with a taunting grin as he finish off his beer.

[Tag, Malik. ; ~; I spelled it donut to fit in.]


tothedust March 30 2008, 02:14:41 UTC
Malik let him go, seeming again indifferent to the other's presence. He had soft, sweet Mana beside him, after all, even if the girl was uncomfortable and not looking at them.

"Mmm, so," he looked at her, moving to draw her attention directly to him. "The magician teaches you tricks? Can you show me any?" He tilted his head. "And why are you going to school?" Of course he meant that only for days when she didn't have a persistent tagteam trying to corrupt her.

He wondered idly how long it would take before they managed that. (Naturally, Bakura would probably tire of the game and Malik would be left with all the work, but that's why he was the Darkness's emissary.) A few months? A year? Would it be gradual?

[Blame Dunkin' Donuts :<
Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 30 2008, 03:00:42 UTC
When Yami no Malik spoke to her, she turned her head back to him. She had a bright blush on her face due to their earlier coupling and it still hadn't died down. "Uh, um...Mahaado-sama teaches me spells and things, yes! Of course I could show you!" She stood up and hurried to the door. She searched through her school bag and took out her staff, going back to sit down on the couch again. "What did you want to see? I could levitate something from the kitchen into here, or ( ... )


bringmemythrone March 30 2008, 03:42:34 UTC
Bakura watched as Malik seemed to focus in on Mana, like a hawk circling a mouse that would soon become dinner. It was odd that it amused him as much as it did and he kept quiet, watching her scurry over to her bag and retrieve her staff. She seemed so excited, cheerful even that she'd ended up lying to her Pharaoh to come see them.

He leaned back over the chair, resting his head against Malik's. He was out of beer again and bored. Listening to her ramble on about school didn't mean much to him; he still had yet to grasp the concept of the Japanese education system.

The mention of food made him perk up, as he realized he'd been drinking on an empty stomach. Still, that led to him thinking about drinking and he ended up saying, "I really just want vodka."

[Tag, Malik!]


tothedust March 30 2008, 21:33:06 UTC
Malik snickered, glad to be able to dismiss Bakura's request. The girl had offered food and even if he wouldn't allow the thief to have any, that's what they'd get.

"Nothing with a filling," he said. "Why don't you get us some with white sugar on them?" He wasn't all that familiar with donuts, but he'd tried a couple; might as well stick to that.

He was watching the staff, though, wondering what sort of power it had and where it had come from. Similar to the Items, perhaps?

[Tag, donut girl Mana!]


sugar_spells March 30 2008, 21:43:43 UTC
"Nothing with a filling. All right! I guess Bakura would want nothing with a filling too? But I'll make it an assortment, just in case!" Mana grinned and then focused, looking directly at her staff. She mumbled something that didn't seem to make much sense, but in a small flash of pink, a box of one dozen donuts, powdered or filled, appeared in Malik's lap.

"I hope it worked! Are there twelve in there?" She asked, tilting her head slightly to Malik. She remembered vaguely that Bakura had said something about vodka earlier. That was a liquor right? "Bakura, you wanted vodka? It's clear, isn't it?"

Mana wanted so desperately for them to like her as a friend that she was willing to conjure up an entire bottle, unopened, of vodka for Bakura. Normally she would have never thought of doing such a thing, but...for new friends? She would do almost anything for friendship.

[Tag, Bakura!]


bringmemythrone March 30 2008, 22:02:11 UTC
Watching as a box of doughnuts appeared in Malik's lap, Bakura snorted and looked back over to Mana. He really wasn't hungry, despite knowing that he should eat something before he drank more.

"Yes, it's clear," he told her, moving around and opening the box on Malik's lap. He took one without filling and took a bite, swallowing it before he moved to sit down himself.

[ Tag, Mana ]


sugar_spells March 30 2008, 22:08:37 UTC
Mana smiled. Yes, she was hungry, but it was polite to let them get their fill first, right? She hadn't had time to eat breakfast this morning, not that she could have kept anything down with the amount of nervousness she had felt earlier.

But now? Yes, she was hungry. Very hungry. And she was sure her stomach growling could be heard all the way to Yami no Malik and Thief King Bakura.

She settled for focusing on bringing the Thief his much wanted alcohol. With a few steadying breaths, she felt the cushion beside her weigh down a bit as a full bottle of vodka appeared. She picked it up, just feeling awkward holding the bottle, before handing it to Thief King. "Here you go! It's right, isn't it?

[Tag, Bakura!]


bringmemythrone March 30 2008, 22:19:16 UTC
Taking the bottle, Bakura examined it for a moment before he opened it and gulping it down. It burned down his throat and he gave a pleasant sigh before grinning at Mana.

"Yes, it's right." He glanced to Malik now, leaning over and waving the bottle in his face. "You should learn to do that. Then I wouldn't have to get up at all to get drunk~ You'd just poof it here for me." He pulled the bottle back to him before Malik could knock it out of his hands and took another drink.

"It would certainly make you more useful than you are now."

[Tag, Malik~]


tothedust March 30 2008, 22:21:31 UTC
Malik just looked at him for a second, eating his donut languidly and pretty clearly imagining pulling the other man inside out.

Still, he seemed to finish his donut peacefully. When it was gone, though, he lashed out, punching Bakura across the jaw. "Maybe if it got up once in a while, I'd want to cater to it."

[Tag, Bakura]


bringmemythrone March 30 2008, 22:31:45 UTC
The punch shouldn't have come as a shock to Bakura. He set his doughnut down on the table, licking his fingers clean before he rubbed his jaw. He seemed in no hurry to fight, taking another gulp of vodka before he set that on the table as well.

Preserve that for later (though leaving it where Malik could grab it and break it probably wasn't in his best interest).

He stood up then, grabbing Malik by the hair and dragging him to the floor. "What the hell was that supposed to mean?"

[Tag, Malik!]


tothedust March 30 2008, 22:34:30 UTC
This was, oddly enough, how many of their fights had started to go. They were so commonplace that they went about it lazily. At least at the onset.

Malik laughed, and reached up--well, 'reached' as in 'punched'--Bakura's crotch, following that up with another blow to the thief's gut. Never mind if he got yanked around, so long as he hurt the bastard. Maybe he'd cut his face off, too....

"Oi, aren't you worried about our guest?"

[Tag, Bakura]


bringmemythrone March 30 2008, 22:40:21 UTC
Bakura doubled over at that, cursing and moving to kneel on the ground. He refused to actually fall, catching himself on the couch. Once he was sure he could tolerate the pain, he reached over for the vodka and swung the bottle at Malik, feeling it connect with the other's shoulder.

"Our guest isn't in pain," he growled, "so no. I'm not really worried about her."

[Tag, Malik~]


tothedust March 30 2008, 22:50:46 UTC
Malik of course saw him take the bottle. He'd been watching Bakura the whole time, laughing quietly at the other's expression.

The bottle didn't break, luckily, but it would leave a really nasty bruise and for a minute or two Malik couldn't really move that arm. So instead, he stood up and turned for the kitchen, where the knives were.

[Tag, Mana!]


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