'cuz i'm the punk rock, punk rock star!

Mar 26, 2008 19:52

[[ Forward-dated to tomorrow. :c
Warnings; M/M, bloodplay, etc. ]]Malik knew the Bakuras locked their front door, but he also knew how to pick it by now. He'd seen the Thief King do it often enough, when he'd been too drunk to bother digging for his keys. It really did say something that it was easier and more natural for Bakura to break in than ( Read more... )

mana, thief king, thief king/mana/yami no malik, yami no malik

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bringmemythrone March 27 2008, 00:18:26 UTC
Despite half-expecting it, the knock at the door startled Bakura and he paused, fingers pressed into his wound and looked over his shoulder at it. It didn't take him long to recall why someone would be knocking, and he slowly stood up, bringing his blood-covered fingers to his mouth and suckling on them for a moment until he was sure they were no longer coated in the red substance.

That didn't do much for the rest of his appearance. He didn't look bad, but he had just rolled out of bed. His hair was tangled, and his outfit, the one he normally slept in, had a bright red splotch on his hip (as well as one on his back, on the spine -- shit, he barely remembered Malik doing that). At least, he found, it didn't hurt too much to walk.

He moved to the door, rubbing his eyes for a moment and groaning. Might as well get that out before he let company in (clearly, Malik didn't count as company). He opened it and grinned down at the girl in front of him -- she was cute. It was no wonder the Pharaoh was so protective of her.

She still baffled him, though, being as easy to manipulate as she was. She didn't seem the type to lie easily, and yet with just a few words, he'd persuaded her to skip school, lie about it, and meet the two people she was warned not to. "Morning," he greeted, none to eloquently. He stepped aside to let her in, holding the door open (and half-leaning against it). If anything, he'd managed to hide his wound well enough -- couldn't be scaring her off before she even got through the door, could he?

[Tag, Mana]


sugar_spells March 27 2008, 00:28:25 UTC
Mana looked up and instantly felt terrible. Maybe she should have waited around for an hour or so, instead of showing up here as early as she had? Surely the Thief King wasn't ready for her to be here, since he did look like he had just gotten out of bed. "Good morning!"

She stepped into the room and removed her bookbag. She'd already unbuttoned her jacket, which was hiding a bright blue sweater with small bits of pink peaking through, almost as if the pink was woven into the blue. "I'm sorry I was late. I've never been to this side of town before." Her face was slightly rosy from the wind chill. "Is there a place for me to put my bookbag?" She asked, seeming a little too frantic to really be focusing on his red splotches....yet.

Mana looked around, not sure if she should take her jacket off or not. She hadn't been told that it was all right and she didn't now what they were going to do although going out seemed out of the question, regarding the Thief's appearance, so she decided just to keep it on until she was told it was ok.

"I hope I didn't wake you up. I could have stayed at a coffee shop for an hour or so." She held onto the heavy bookbag still, waiting for someone to instruct her. Her eyes did fall on Yami no Malik, though, and she smiled. "Hi!"

[Tag, Yami no Malik!]


tothedust March 27 2008, 00:41:17 UTC
"Bakura is up early," Malik said, giving Bakura a smug grin. He stood up, glad that he was no longer being told to go 'fetch a beer', and sauntered over to the girl.

"But so are you." She smelled nice, clean--not at all like blood and beer and too much sleep. He wasn't sure which he preferred, but knowing that she was fresh from the Pharaoh's presence made him want to be closer to her, as if he could erase that, stain her.

Besides, Mana was pretty easy on the eyes; her expression was so friendly, he had a hard time imagining her eyes widening with fear, her pert little mouth grimacing with pain. That made things all the more intriguing.

"Good morning," he purred, wondering how she'd react to them--Bakura bloody and dirty and half-asleep, and him, clean and all his bruises hidden, alert.

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 27 2008, 00:49:05 UTC
So apparently she was just to put her bookbag anywhere, since no one had given her a distinct place. She settled for sitting it by the door, since it was an easy place to remember. She looked and found a coat hanger near as well. Mana slipped the pink jacket off, revealing that the sweater didn't have full arms, but 3/4 sleeves instead. She had to stand on her tip toes a little to be able to hook her jacket over a hanger, but once her hands were free, she turned back around with a smile...

To find a very close Malik. She wasn't use to this proximity with anyone, and anyone she got close enough to would never have made her feel this...awkward? She blushed slightly, adding to the rose in her cheeks that had been starting to die down. The room was hotter than she expected, but the warmth mad her relax, even if Malik's presence...well..didn't.

"I really could have waited a little while longer. I'm sorry. I didn't think to ask." She said with a smile, flashing white teeth from Yami no Malik to Bakura. But her smile faltered when she saw Bakura's shirt stained with blood. She looked up at him with slightly wide eyes, but wide with concern and not fear. "Are you hurt? You know, I could patch that right up for you! A simple healing spell and you won't have to worry about your injuries anymore!"

[Tag, Thiefy]


bringmemythrone March 27 2008, 01:03:23 UTC
Bakura ignored Malik's grin, and instead shut the door and moved to lean against it. It always amused him to watch Malik around other people. The man reminded him of a cat hunting mice, though normally, the mice were intelligent enough to run the other direction.

Nngh, but fuck was she upbeat. She'd seemed so when he'd talked to her online, but he hadn't expected this much, this early (or perhaps he was just annoyed because his head was still pounding?). He flashed her a (slightly pained) smirk before promising, "I'm alright. My injuries are fine where they are." They actually felt good, and they were a nice counterpart to the headache he was nursing now.

"You're fine, though." He sounded slightly harsher than he'd meant to as he stood up. "I said we'd be up, and we are." Though, Malik was clearly more awake than he was. "I need a drink though," he mumbled, mostly to himself as he stood up straight and walked further into the apartment.

[Tag, Malik~]


tothedust March 27 2008, 01:07:47 UTC
"Nn, don't mind him," Malik snickered, still close to Mana--close enough that he could almost feel the soft fuzz of her sweater. He, as usual, was wearing a tanktop, despite the fact that it was still fairly chilly out at night.

"He can hardly breathe without getting buzzed." He watched Bakura go, and added more loudly, "But I'm sure he'd get you a drink if you asked."

He gave her an appraising look. "If Pharaoh lets you drink, of course~"

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 27 2008, 01:13:44 UTC
Mana just smiled a little, raising her arm to scratch the back of her neck slightly. "I'm still a couple years too young to drink. Plus, I've never really drank any sort of alcohol before."

The closeness of Malik still set her on edge slightly, but she calmed her mind by telling herself that it might just be something he did. That there was no reason for her heart to pound this way. She simply settled on smiling at Malik again, because what was more friendly than a smile?

[Tag, Bakura!]


bringmemythrone March 27 2008, 01:25:41 UTC
Malik's words made him laugh, and Mana's even more so. "Too young to drink?" he called, stopping just before he got in the kitchen. "Nonsense~ I started drinking when I was way younger than you." The law hardly mattered and was merely something to be scoffed at.

The fact that she'd never even tried drinking didn't surprise him. She seemed almost sickly sweet, and it was something that he didn't understand. She'd made the mistake of coming here, though, so her innocence wouldn't last long.

Still, Malik had hinted at Bakura getting drinks for all of them and that simply wasn't going to happen. So he disappeared into the kitchen and got his own beer, opening it and chugging well over half of it. Surely Malik knew better than to trust him to do anything.

[Tag, Malik~ :B]


tothedust March 27 2008, 04:01:05 UTC
And Malik really only wanted a bottle so he'd have something with multiple jagged edges, with which to cut Bakura. All in all, it was better for all of them that Mana didn't ask for a drink and Bakura was too much of an ass to oblige anyway.

He moved towards the living room, though, brushing against Mana as he did. He could practically see the thoughts churning in her mind, assuring herself that he wasn't doing it on purpose--or rationalizing it away so that, if he was, it wasn't something to worry about.

She was wrong on both counts, of course, but that could wait for later.

He sat down and nodded slightly for her to do the same. "Oi, so how is the Pharaoh and his magician?" Conversation and gathering information on his enemies, always a worthwhile pursuit.

[Tag, Mana!]


sugar_spells March 27 2008, 04:08:51 UTC
Mana stiffened when she felt Yami no Malik brush against her. She didn't know she was so easy to read, because she was doing exactly as he thought. Figuring that it was an accident...or that, if it wasn't, that it was also something that he just...did. She followed him and then blinked, sitting down on the couch but staying close to the edge of the cushion for some subconscious reason.

"Pharaoh-sama? He's not feeling so great. I think he may be coming down with a cold, but I hope not. I'm working a lot on ending the school year and applying to colleges." She said with a smile, folding her hands together in her lap for lack of a better thing to do with them. "Mahaado-sama has me applying to every college in Japan, I think." She said with a slight giggle. "How are you and Bakura?" Obviously the girl was sick of schoolwork, but there wasn't much she could do about it. She didn't have a choice in the matter.

[Tag, Bakura!]


bringmemythrone March 27 2008, 04:24:12 UTC
Bakura didn't take long in the kitchen (though he'd finished the first, technically his third can, and grabbed another) and returned to the living room, moving up behind Malik and wrapping his arms around the other's shoulders. He leaned over him, looking almost possessive, and rested his cheek on the other's head. "Nn, I bet Pharaoh-sama's just embarrassed his little boyfriend is writing bad porn about him."

He hadn't really bought Otogi's 'cover-up' story, and even if he had, it was too good a chance to drag the Pharaoh's name through dirt. "I'm fine, albeit sober."

If he could still count as sober. He felt a little tipsy, which was good. Exactly what he wanted. It made the hangover seem a little more tolerable.

[Tag, Malik]


tothedust March 27 2008, 04:42:48 UTC
By now Malik was used to the fight-peace-fight dynamic of their...er, interactions, and he just grabbed Bakura by the back of the neck and moved him, to nip the underside of his jaw.

"Soon they'll be filming it," he mumbled, though he was pretty neutral to the idea. At best, it would lead to utter humiliation for both Otogi and Yami, and that was always a pleasant thought.

"Hurry and get drunk so we can leave," he added, though he was amused at the red marks he'd left up and down Bakura's neck by now.

[Tag, Baku~]


bringmemythrone March 27 2008, 04:54:55 UTC
Bakura tilted his head slightly, letting the other nip at him, though he figured if anything, the girl would find it awkward. Even more awkward if he'd bothered attempting to explain the fact that they didn't really have a 'relationship.'

"That's something I could go without seeing," Bakura mumbled. "Hearing about it made me want to throw up." Or had that been too much to drink? Uhn.

He took a sip of his drink, giving the other a slightly confused expression. Leave? Did Malik actually expect to get him out of his house this early in the morning?

[Tag, Mana~]


sugar_spells March 27 2008, 05:05:09 UTC
Mana did feel like she was intruding on their personal space, so she just looked the other way...until they mentioned Pharaoh-sama and Otogi. She didn't respond to it verbally, but she looked down at her hands and just sighed. Otogi had said it was in the past...and she still believed him. She had no reason not to believe him.

She averted her eyes while the couple (since that was how she saw them in her eyes) spoke to each other and waited until she was brought back into the conversation. "Leave? Where are we going?" She asked, tilting her head slightly in the most innocent matter.

[Tag, Malik]


tothedust March 27 2008, 05:08:03 UTC
"Mmm, didn't you want to go somewhere?" He looked at her, grinning now. If they stayed, things would be so much easier for him, of course. While he didn't mind doing anything in public, he always had to be hasty, couldn't take his time.

Not that he was planning anything, of course. Nothing specific.

Although the upside to being outside would be that he wouldn't have to be so close to Bakura. The space away had been a relief, an escape from that mysterious prompting that had followed him back from Egypt.

In public, he wouldn't be pulling Bakura possessively closer like he was now, and that would be better for all of them.

[Tag, Bakura~]


bringmemythrone March 27 2008, 05:14:15 UTC
The thought of going somewhere else hadn't crossed Bakura's mind once, so trying to entertain it now was a bit difficult. It was easier to take another drink of beer and lick his lips.

"At seven in the morning?" he finally inquired. "What's even open?"

It shouldn't amuse him so much that Malik was pulling him closer in front of this girl. He slid his free hand down over the other's shoulder, running over his chest. "This'll be my last beer for the morning, I promise." That way if they did go somewhere, he could still walk.

[Tag, Malik~]


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