Description: For this challenge, you'll be using your characters or fandom, in general, to interpret each of the 4 elements: Air, Water, Earth, and Fire.
• Choose 1 of the options to complete:
A. Write a 100 word (or more) drabble for each element. (10 points per drabble- 4 total for 40 points)
B. Create 2 icons or sigtags for each element. (5 points per icon/sigtag- 8 icons/sigtags for 40 points)
C. Create a gif for each element. (10 points per gif- 4 total for 40 points)
D. Create a picspam (300px height minimum) for each element. (10 points per picspam- 4 total for 40 points)
40 points for your creation
+1 point for submitting with a sigtag
Due Date: January 23, 2018 at MIDNIGHT
Submitting: Please submit your entries to your team thread!