Challenge #23: Introducing...

May 24, 2016 21:53

Challenge #23: Introducing...

Description: Make up an original character for one of your fandoms and then tell us about them! You can go about this one of two ways: you can write a fic about them, or you can write out a profile with their name, background, etc. If you go the fic route, you're welcome to include other characters from the fandom as well. If you go the profile route, the information you choose to include is up to you, as long as it relates to your character and as long as the character clearly fits into the fandom.

Points: 5 points for every 50 words, up to a maximum of 25 points (250 words) per person. You can write more than that, but you won't receive more points. You can also write less than that, for fewer points.
Due Date: Tuesday, June 7th, 11:59:59 pm
Submitting: Submit your entry or a link to your entry to this post.

ETA: Sorry, I forgot to include the submission form. Don't worry if you already submitted, but here it is for everyone else.

Title: (optional)
Name of OC:
Warnings: (if any)
Word Count:

If you have any questions, please ask in the questions thread below.


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