CHALLENGE #18: Five by Five

Apr 21, 2015 09:39

CHALLENGE #18: Five by Five

Description Pick one of the following sets of words and write a fic that includes at least three words from that set. If you're feeling really ambitious, use all five words. Your chosen words must all come from the same set and must all appear in your fic. The context in which they're used is entirely up to you ( Read more... )


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catko April 27 2015, 22:35:04 UTC
Title: Night In
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing(s): Sherlock/John pre-anything
Rating: G
Word Count: 569
Set # & Words Used: I used them all!

“Let’s not mess about with the law, Sherlock, yes? Why not just go file the report at the station? You’ll have to do it sometime,” John called from the kitchen. Sherlock barely flicked his eyes from the microscope. “If by ‘law’ you mean ‘Lestrade,’ John, I absolutely refuse to cater to his absurd strategy of containment.” He raised his hand in a dismissive wave. “You can’t know me at all if you’d think I would.”

John stood for a moment at the entrance to the sitting room, then strolled toward Sherlock, depositing a mug of tea on the table. “I’d say I know you as well as anyone does, despite our almost complete lack of…” His voice trailed off into a shrug. Sherlock looked up this time, cocking an eyebrow as he watched John take his seat by the fire, his hair glowing gold in the flickering light. Sherlock glanced out the window at the darkening sky, and decided to turn the tideReaching under the ( ... )


skieswideopen April 27 2015, 23:15:24 UTC
That's awesome!


catko April 27 2015, 23:20:50 UTC
Well, thank you!


blue_sunflowers April 28 2015, 06:59:19 UTC

... )


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