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Comments 26

kribban November 16 2018, 21:36:17 UTC
Jack put the book down on a park bench.

OMG this was one of the best episodes ever! Funny, well-paced, charming and heart-warming. The guest stars were all great; even Felicia Day (who has not exactly impressed me in the past.)

The scene were the Musca collect their dead, wayward, family member was incredibly touching to me. I almost teared up.

And Jack! Jack! JACK!!!!!! <3

I love you so much Jack! Please don't die horribly!

Side-note: once Alexander Calvert's tenure on SPN ends; I will be excited to follow his career. He is awesome!


caranfindel November 18 2018, 12:09:25 UTC
Some day our boy will be out there like Sterling (Gordon Walker) Brown, winning Emmys (or better), and we’ll smile proudly and say “I first saw him on Supernatural!”


kribban November 18 2018, 12:14:01 UTC


fanspired November 17 2018, 00:39:54 UTC
> Jeff Goldblum shows up again and sits by his next victim. Charlie wants to go for the kill, but Sam thinks they should wait for him to make his move, in case he's just into weird fashion.

What I want to know is, why did they let him go away and come back again in the first place. You'd think one of them would have followed someone that suspect the first time to see whether he went anywhere or did anything else that's suspect. o_O

> Chopping off the head should kill ANYTHING

Well . . . actually, I remember that scene in MIB where K blew the informant's head off and it grew back, so . . . ?


caranfindel November 18 2018, 12:00:54 UTC
Okay, it should kill anything Earth-based!


fanspired November 18 2018, 12:23:54 UTC
Except a ghoulpire.


amberdreams November 18 2018, 18:44:31 UTC
or a leviathan.


cuddyclothes November 17 2018, 17:24:19 UTC

I also thought it was a callback to the original "The Fly", with the huge beekeeper's hat and the reveal of the huge head.

You will be astounded to know that I enjoyed it. The MOTW episodes are so much better than the "arc" storylines.


caranfindel November 18 2018, 12:01:40 UTC
I’m always so glad when you like an episode!


jj1564 November 17 2018, 23:23:34 UTC
'I didn't realize Saturday Night Fever was directed by John Badham, who went on to direct several episodes of Supernatural' - I didn't know that, either! Thanks so much for that, wow! And I can see a certain resemblance between Barry and Jared - the hair mainly!

I loved this episode despite the ridiculous fly head (from Dr Who circa 1973 I think!), and I thought that although the brothers were working separately, their concern for each other was touching and made them seem more together. I really hope poor, sweet Jack is going to be okay and we get more episodes with him featured.


caranfindel November 18 2018, 12:02:24 UTC
Yeah, it’s just the hair. We like some hair on our men, apparently.


borgmama1of5 November 18 2018, 03:17:35 UTC
My initial reaction was 'what an odd episode...' I liked the Dean and Jack half, and especially appreciated how the actor playing Harper put her all into the role (okay, here's a reference for you--didn't she strike you like Teri Garr in the original Star Trek episode where the Enterprise accidentally time-travelled back to the 1960s and got involved in stopping an errant space rocket launch? What? I thought you liked old entertainment references...)

The Sam and Charlie half seemed a bit forced, like 'we want to hit these points, get them all in somehow,' and I don't get why they were so lackadaisical about pursuing the potential monster when it first showed up...

But I love Jack <3 and your review :)


caranfindel November 18 2018, 12:03:18 UTC
Well, you stumped me on that one, because I haven’t seen that Star Trek episode!


sylsdarkplace November 18 2018, 23:26:55 UTC
I felt the same way about the Sam and Charlie interaction.


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