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profshallowness December 10 2013, 07:48:40 UTC
She could find him, probably without needing SHIELD or Tony Stark’s technology as an assist, and he is always expecting her to turn up, wherever he goes. It’s another burden to carry when Bruce realizes that he’s essentially waiting for the next Earth-threatening emergency when they’ll need the other guy, just to see her again.

Bruce doesn’t surprise her when he finally decides he’s had enough and puts his mind to finding Natasha Romanov; she’s wary, but not surprised that he’s there, which is something, a basis to find out if there can be more.


vialethe December 10 2013, 08:53:14 UTC
Aw, I love that he loses patience (waiting for the next big disaster...Bruce would think of it that way!) and goes to find her, rather than the other way around. Thank you!


profshallowness December 11 2013, 07:18:22 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you liked it.


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