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Comments 3014

caramelsilver December 1 2013, 14:23:44 UTC
Questions goes here!


ride_4ever December 3 2013, 05:21:32 UTC
Question! I just heard of this for the first time a few minutes ago and I wanna pimp it in my LJ and I wanna come play...but where can I find more info, like the history of this ficathon and the posting deadline?


caramelsilver December 3 2013, 08:35:19 UTC
Hi! Glad to have you with us. There is no deadline! If you find a prompt you like, then you simply fill it. If you have a prompt you want to see filled, you post it, and see if someone fills it. The only rule is that the fills has to be only three sentences and to be honest, that isn't even a very important rule that either. The most important thing is to have fun!

The history? I'm not sure there is a history. Check out the tag and you'll see I have done this several years in a row now, and it's always been fun! The ficathon usually comes to a natural end some time in January :)


ride_4ever December 4 2013, 01:18:53 UTC
Yeah, the "I have done this several years in a row now" IS what I meant by "history".

Is there a way to search for the prompts by fandom? I'm happy to read fic by participants in any fandom, but I write mono-fannish (due South and Canadian Six Degrees) so I'd like to know if it's possible to zero in on the prompts that I might fill.


caramelsilver December 1 2013, 14:24:33 UTC
Narnia, Susan, hidden weapons


andi_horton December 1 2013, 21:14:05 UTC
"Oh, you have an armoury?" Susan clasps her hands together and smiles The Smile, the one even warlords hosting Narnian monarchs on missions of tenuous and treacherous diplomacy cannot resist. So their host escorts her through the stronghold, mumbling about the beauty of her hair and how the stars are shamed by the light of her eyes, while she nods, smiles, and calculates the size of the weapons cache.

"I suspect he'd no idea," she confides in her family that night, "it is possible to count without using one's fingers."


rthstewart December 2 2013, 00:16:00 UTC


caramelsilver December 2 2013, 00:32:00 UTC
Thank you! This was absolutely fantastic!


harmony_lover December 1 2013, 15:44:44 UTC
Narnia, Peter & Lucy, fighting & healing


snacky December 2 2013, 03:22:59 UTC
Peter doesn't want Lucy carrying her cordial to all battles, and Lucy understands why - her brother is the High King, and when given an order, she does try to obey his wishes. Still, she is very glad she disobeyed when she rides north to meet him the last stand against the Giants. And when Peter regains consciousness and finds his crushed leg healed perfectly, he is glad she did too.


harmony_lover December 2 2013, 03:25:49 UTC
Oh, perfect! Thank you, Snacky! Peter and Lucy have always been my favorites, and I always relish stories that show them interacting both as siblings and as rulers.


rthstewart December 2 2013, 03:42:28 UTC
D'awwww. I love Peter and Lucy stories like this. Perfect


harmony_lover December 1 2013, 15:46:12 UTC
Narnia, Susan & Edmund, the art of diplomacy


snacky December 2 2013, 03:42:13 UTC
(sorry, longer than 3 sentences!)

Edmund sinks wearily onto the chaise in the luxurious suite Susan has been given in the Terebinthia royal palace, and sighs. "It's been three months already - how much longer are you going to be!?"

Susan shoots him a withering look over the rim of her teacup. "I don't know, Spymaster. How much longer will it take you to dig up something we can use for leverage?"


harmony_lover December 2 2013, 03:58:41 UTC
Eep! I love it. Weary Edmund and scathing Susan, knowing just what buttons to push to get Edmund to help her, even if he has to use every Rat and Crow at his disposal. :)


starbrowsings December 6 2013, 04:24:42 UTC
Burn! (I feel your +3 sentence pain. Pacing is everything in dialogue - very hard to do when you have to squeeze a clumsy "and said, ...")


harmony_lover December 1 2013, 15:48:09 UTC
Narnia, Peter & Edmund, memories of home


ceitfianna December 2 2013, 03:02:37 UTC
"Peter, do you remember the names of the English kings?" Edmund asked with a note of worry in his voice as he tapped his fingers on a book of Narnian history.

"No, I don't, but I know all the Narnian ones which matter more as we're some of them."


harmony_lover December 2 2013, 03:18:43 UTC
Ah, perfect! Thank you so much. :) I am now longing for this entire conversation, which is exactly how one should feel after reading two or three sentences. :)


ceitfianna December 2 2013, 03:20:31 UTC
You're welcome, its a beautiful prompt.


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