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profshallowness December 4 2013, 07:11:20 UTC
She’s not too used to someone speaking to her with such warmth, or saying something nice and meaning it. But there has been a lot of lying in Molly’s life of late, some of it by herself to herself and she’s been getting sick of it. So she tells Greg Lestrade that yes, actually, she would like to go and get a pint or something at the pub and the grin she gets in response is a pleasure.


zolac_no_miko December 4 2013, 08:47:56 UTC
Awwwwwww~ ♥♥♥


profshallowness December 5 2013, 07:50:13 UTC
Thank you!


harmony_lover December 4 2013, 15:16:16 UTC
This is adorable! I have a very soft spot for Greg/Molly; I think they could be good for each other for exactly this reason. They are both very kind people who have gotten hurt a lot, and lied to, and generally jerked around, and they both deserve someone who will be good to them. Thank you so much!


profshallowness December 5 2013, 07:52:45 UTC
Thank you for the lovely feedback! I completely agree with you about how they could be good for and to each other.


rekindle956 January 29 2014, 03:24:12 UTC
Really nice. :)


profshallowness January 30 2014, 19:31:42 UTC
Thank you!


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