Only 3 deer on the walls currently. One isn't visible there (a print of all the ASB characters, including Vince), one is just one the edge, an original BuckyBoy pic of a female rabbit and male deer having sex in the shower (sorry, can't find a URL for it), and the third is by the door, an inked drawing by FoxxFire of a drippy deer bending over.
That's actually kind of creepy. Even flamingly gay LOOK AT ME I'M GAY people generally only have a couple of tasteful black and white prints on the wall.
Well in 36 years in NYC, London, Frankfurt, can't say I've quite come across things like THAT before...somehow I don't think I will be any time soon...
Comments 9
There will be a fourth pic, once Flinthoof sends the pic he drew for me
I'll be honest I never knew a soul who put any sort of porn on their walls, furry or otherwise.
Nudes yes. Erotic art? Maybe...but not porn. Never seen it.
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